Timing is everything. How many times have youscrambled at the last minute to confirm a late vendor or source a forgotten speaker? Planning afabulous event takes time. Venues and speakers book a year or more ahead. Starting as early as possible is the key to eliminating stress and headaches not only during the planning process but also as the event draws closer.

The more detailed the event, the more time you need to plan. But starting to plan can seem overwhelming. Don’t stress! We’ve created a handy checklist that will get you started. TheEventzilla 3-6 Months Before Event Checklist will provide guidanceon:

Download The Definitive Guide to Web Personalization to learn:

  • Identifying your needs for the perfect event location
  • Deciding whether sponsors are needed for your event
  • Developing a ticketing or RSVP strategy
  • Planning event promotion, marketing and activities
Download This Guide