Call for Abstracts
Submission deadline:Friday, 15 November 2019
Submission guidelines
At least one author must be present for the contest. All authors are required to join or be a member of the PNW chapter of the SHM.
Submission Categories:
I. Research
Submissions can report clinical research, basic science research, or a systematic review of a clinical problem in hospital medicine. Research abstracts concerned with the highlighted topic areas above, as well as efficiency, cost, or method of health care delivery methods and medical decision-making are also encouraged.
II. Innovations
Authors who wish to describe an innovative program in hospital medicine are encouraged to submit to this category. Innovations will primarily be descriptive, but they may also include preliminary data of a pilot type program. Innovations should have been fully implemented in the health care setting in order to be considered.
III. Vignettes
A clinical vignette is a report of one or more cases that illustrates a new disease entity or a prominent or unusual clinical feature of an established disease, highlights an area of clinical controversy in hospital medicine, or illustrates a unique patient safety issue.
Prizes will be awarded to:
I. Best oral presentation (selected from five semi-finalists): automatic qualification for the national contest. Note that the abstract MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE OFFICIAL SHM SITE BY THE AUTHORS.
II. Best poster by a learner: a stipend to attend the national conference
III. Best research, innovation and vignette poster: official SHM gear and gift cards
IV. The people’s choice (by popular vote): official SHM gear, gift cards and a trophy
Length: Abstracts must not exceed 3000 characters (including spaces). Each table and graph will count as 200 characters.
Abbreviations, Symbols, and Nomenclature: Use should conform as closely as possible to that recommended in the CBE Style Manual (6th edition, 1994), published by the Council of Biology Editors and available from CBE Secretariat, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD, 20814. Nonstandard abbreviations must be kept to a minimum and must be explained when used. Generic names of drugs are preferred: a propriety name may be given only with the first use of the generic name.
Units of Measurement: Metric (SI), including those for height, length, mass (weight), and body temperature should be used.
IRB or other research approval: If human or animal species were exposed to risks not required by their medical needs during the study included in the abstract, the author affirms that the study was approved by an appropriate committee.
Conflict of Interest Policy: All authors submitting abstracts to the PNW SHM Annual Poster Competition are required to disclose any relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers, or other organizations that could represent potential conflicts in their presentation. The submitting author is responsible for providing disclosure information for all co-authors. This requirement applies to currently existing relationships or relationships within the past year that relate to the abstract entry. The principal intent of this disclosure is not to prevent authors with a potential conflict from submitting an abstract or presenting their work. Rather, disclosure information will assist the abstract committee members in the review process.
Permissions: The author submitting this abstract acknowledges that s/he and all coauthors have seen and agree with the following: the contents of the abstract; responsibility for clinical trial data (if applicable); that the abstract has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal prior to December 31 of the current year (prior presentation of the abstract at other meetings is allowed); disclosures of financial interest in or support from, or equity.
Co-Authorship: The majority of the effort and first authorship must be on the part of the first author, and the authorship must reflect work performed as per usual practice. The first author will serve as the corresponding author. Co-authors must be credited for their contributions.
IMPORTANT: The Pacific Northwest Chapter will not submit abstracts to the national competition; this is the responsibility of the authors. To submit your abstract to the national competition, please visit the abstract submission site. The abstract submission deadline for the national competition is December 2, 2019 at 11:59 ET.
Topic categories
- Clinical Vignette
- Innovation
- Research