If you’re hosting an event, your primary goal certainly is to create a great event experience for the participants. To achieve it, you have to keep your attendees engaged before, during and after the event. Allowing your attendees to interact with likeminded people and industry peers is one of the best ways to make your event more engaging.
On considering these important facts, we at Eventzilla have introduced a private messaging feature for attendee networking within the event mobile app. With this new feature, you can allow your attendees to chat with their peers individually.
Private Messaging Feature – Key Highlights
- Intuitive Interface that works fine on any smartphone. Thus, your attendees can chat without any hassles.
- Allows attendees to share media files like videos, images, pdf files etc to other participants.
- To ensure privacy for the attendees, we have provided an option for them to block a particular person from chatting. Also, there is an option to unblock a particular user.
Have more questions? Contact us to know more
Here’s how you can enable private message feature
Signup for an Eventzilla account
Create your event website for free with our easy to use event management software
After creating an event, click the Event Mobile App option which is displayed on the left navigation of the Eventzilla dashboard. Then click on the Mobile App Setup option.
In the Mobile App Setup page, just enable the private messaging option to get it done. As this is our premium mobile app feature, you will have to make a payment to avail of this feature.
Interested in getting this private chat feature? Signup now to build your own event mobile app to avail of it.