In the last few years, we’ve seen the rise of SnapChat, Instagram Stories, Facebook Livestreaming and improved video cameras in cell phones. These developments have made digital video a powerful marketing tool. It’s been estimated that 85% of all internet users in the United States watch online video content monthly on a number of different devices. Smart marketers have caught on to this. In fact, national digital video ad spend is increasing. Advertisers report that they expect to spend $18 million in 2019, up from $14.2 million in 2018, according to a new report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau. Have you joined the video revolution?
Using Videos in Event Marketing
Events are perfect subjects for digital video. How best to promote how an experience feels than with moving pictures and sound? It’s time to consider how you can use video in building awareness and selling tickets for your events.
Creating videos can feel like a daunting task but it doesn’t have to be. It can be completely acceptable to use raw cell phone footage in certain cases and even edited video is easier to manage with simple editing programs like iMovie and OpenShot. Equipment such as cameras, microphones, and lights have become much less expensive. And in this growing gig economy, there are plenty of freelancers available to get the job done at negotiable cost.
Tips for Creating Digital Event Marketing Videos
The sky is the limit. This is an opportunity to be innovative and imaginative. But digital video is a different medium from the traditional television commercial or infomercial. There are some very simple rules that you should follow to maximize viewership and impact. These tips are: Keep the video short. The length will depend on the platform you are using but in general, the shorter the better. Tell a story. Humans respond better to a story that we can relate to more than a list of features or benefits. Make it authentic. Don’t stretch the truth or create drama where there is none just for impact. Strive for genuine emotion and honest interactions. Use captions. Most digital video is watched with the sound off. Always use captions so that not only the images but the script can be viewed. Include a strong call to action. Once you’ve grabbed their attention with a compelling video, tell your prospects what you want them to do (buy tickets, visit your website, etc.) Don’t make them guess!
How to Use Digital Video in Event Marketing
An excellent time to use video is when you have an announcement to make. A recorded message by an event executive or respected influencer gives the announcement weight and power. Some great examples are your Save the Date, the day your tickets go on sale, or the notification of your keynote speaker or main sponsor. Even smaller moments like reminders of deadlines or countdowns to event day could be made more noticeable with a short video message.
Studies show that positive customer reviews spark a higher purchase average and a faster purchase. Short videos from past happy guests are guaranteed to inspire ticket purchases. Ask each guest to describe their experience at your event in their own words. Don’t script them. Strive for an authentic story. Learn More
If you are using online influencers to promote your event, the video should be a large portion of your strategy. Encourage your influencers to create and share the video of themselves talking about your event, asking their fans to join them, and discussing highlights of the event. Create your own exclusive influencer video content for your digital channels and email campaigns. In all cases, the consistent call to action should be to register for the event. Find out more about using influencers on this our recent blog post.
Many seasoned speakers will have videos of past presentations or teaser videos of their material that they are willing to share as promotional materials. These are excellent tools to build interest in your event and to drive traffic to your ticket sales site.
Live video is also an effective way to promote your event while it is happening. Live streaming in-person events have grown tremendously. It has been estimated that 81% of digital audiences watched more live video in 2016 than in 2015. And this number is expected to grow into the 2020s. By live streaming your event, you can gain a completely new audience who may attend future events. It can also be a lucrative revenue stream as a brand new event.
Video can play a big part in your post-event marketing. If you’ve taken video footage of the event, create a montage of event highlights to use in a thank you email to attendees or as a social media teaser for the next event. You could also use your session footage or speakers’ presentations as gated content for VIPs or others who would like to purchase it. Provide relevant footage to sponsors, speakers, and influencers to use for their own promotion as well.
Digital video has become an extremely simple yet valuable marketing strategy. It doesn’t take a design degree or a fancy camera to create a sensational marketing video for your event. A good digital video can grab attention, tell a story, and stimulate action, all in just 30 to 60 seconds. We’ve given you the tips and tricks to start today. Post them in the comments below. We can’t wait to see the results.