If you are an event coordinator and you are in the event planning stage, you will want to work diligently in trying to market your event in a way where participants can easily fill out an event registration without difficulty. Here are a few reasons why your event is not sold out and how to fix this problem so you sell out every time in the future.
No Discounts Offered for New/Repeat Audience
If you are giving everyone the same rate to be enrolled to an event, you may be stuck with empty seats. Offer return customers a discount to entice them to sign up again for this year’s event. This reward makes them feel important, as it shows you recognize their support was there in the year prior.
Not Using Online Ticketing & Payments
Using an event registration software is the best way to get people enrolled to participate in whichever type of event you are promoting. The participants have the option to pay for the event right from the comfort of their home, eliminating the hassle of writing out a check or bringing cash to a pre-determined location.
Not Promoting On Social Media
The best form of advertising in this day and age is via social media websites. These pages are viewed by many people, allowing the word about your event to be spread quickly and successfully. Make sure to specify the website address for people interested to log into and inform them that you sell tickets online so they can check it out at their convenience.
Location Information/Map not available
Instead of just promoting the event you are holding, promote the area is will be located as well. Several people will be coming to the event from out of town and may be inclined to stick around for a few days. Letting people know what amenities are nearby, which hotels are available for staying, and what food choices are available in the town the event is being located will make the event itself more desirable if there are things the patrons can do in the immediate area.
Not Associated with any Professional Organizations
Look for professional organizations within the field of the type of event you are holding to help promote your event. For example, if you are holding a concert, enlist the help of a local radio station to promote fun with music. If you are having a sporting event, ask local sporting goods stores to get on board in handing out fliers to customers. The more people you ask to help, the better.
No Contests/Giveaways Offered for Influencers
Announce a few contests on your social media site where people who share your post have a chance to win an event ticket free of charge. Watch how quickly word spreads about your event as people copy your announcement on their own pages. This is a wonderful way to increase the amount of viewing traffic your event obtains, possibly grabbing extra participants as a result.