2016 VTPPF November Summit Meeting

Saturday, Nov 19, 2016 at 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST

555 E Canal St, Richmond, VA, 23219, United States

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General Admission Partial Approval - $32.00

Includes all day coffee and tea and a hot lunch

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Member - Register, pay at the door Partial Approval - Free

Please bring cash or check for $32 to registration desk - credit card reader not available - includes all day coffee and tea and a hot lunch

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Sponsor Table Partial Approval - $149.00

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1. Select Seats

2. Review and Proceed

Saturday, Nov 19, 2016 at 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST

Crowne Plaza Hotel Downtown, 555 E Canal St, Richmond, VA, 23219, United States.

2016 Fall Summit Meeting

November 19th at the Richmond Downtown Crowne Plaza Hotel


"Stepping Forward into 2017"


November 19th 10:00 AM-4:00 PM


Crowne Plaza Hotel – Downtown
555 E. Canal Street
Richmond, VA 23219



9:15-10:00 Event Registration

10-10:30 Private Business Meeting – **VTPPF member groups only**

Speakers include:

Carol Stopps - CoLA Plans for 2017

Delegate Ben Cline, House Conservative Caucus Co-Chair - Upcoming legislation for 2017

Melvin Adams, 5th District Vice Chairman, Educator and Minister - School Choice in Virginia Schools

Janine Turner - Constituting America

Andrea Thornock, Exec. Dir. Ronald Reagan Lecture Series with Jaroslaw (Slavko) Martyniuk -  THE POISON OF POLITICAL CORRECTNES - How to Shape the Thinking of a Society



*Time will be given at the end of each presentation for questions, answers and discussion.*


Doors open for general summit event at 9:15 AM.


Cancellation policy

Please allow 2-3 days for cancellation processing

Virginia Tea Party


Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation (VTPPF) is a statewide tea party federation of local, non-partisan patriot groups established to advance and strengthen the Founding principles and God-given rights predicated in the U.S. and Virginia Constitution. Our mission is to encourage and facilitate citizen participation in the political process and empower all citizens with a voice and influence in demanding Constitutional governance. VTPPF will help local, independent tea party/patriot groups grow in numbers and influence and nurture communication and collaboration among Virginia tea party and patriot groups.

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