2021 GTL Wednesday's with Fidelis (7-Part Series) - Part 5 Critical Illness Products: Cancer, Heart Attack & Stroke Lump Sum & Critical CASH

Wednesday, Apr 14, 2021 at 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM MDT

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Wednesday, Apr 14, 2021 at 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM MDT

Join Fidelis and GTL for the first part of this exciting seven-part series!

Critical CASH: Today, the odds of surviving a critical illness such as cancer, heart attack, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease are better than ever. Critical Cash, critical illness insurance, helps cover expenses that your other insurance may not cover, and it helps cover expenses associated with recovery in an Assisted Living Facility or Nursing Home.


Cancer, Heart Attack & Stroke Lump Sum: If you were diagnosed with cancer or suffered a heart attack or stroke, the last thing you would want to worry about is your finances. GTL’s Cancer, Heart Attack and Stroke Insurance helps you receive the financial peace of mind that allows you to focus on what matters most – your recovery.



Fidelis Consultants


We are Fidelis Consultants! You don’t have to look any further than our name to know what we are about. Fidelis means faithful, loyal, true. Those attributes describe our passion to our greatest commitment, your success. We can honestly say that the most important part about us is you. Whether you are a new agent just starting, a seasoned agent looking for additional support to better grow your business, or an agency looking for a proven model of success to follow, we are confident we can provide you with exactly what you need and more. Don’t delay increasing your sales and reaching all of your financial goals another minute. Join our team today. We look forward to working with you!

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