Event Information: The Alabama State Bar Young Lawyers Section is hosting its annual Orange Beach CLE on May 16-18, 2024, at the Perdido Beach Resort. Social events include a welcome reception, a poolside social, and a beach social.
CLE Cancellation Policy: Full refund for registration fees will be given if we are notified by May 1, 2024.
MCLE Credit: Pending approval from the Alabama State Bar, the CLE will provide for a maximum of 6.0 hours credit, including 1.0 hours of ethics. It is the responsibility of each attorney to maintain records of attendance. Please be sure to include your Alabama Bar Membership number on the registration form.
Accommodations: Hotel reservations can be made at the Perdido Beach Resort by calling 1-800-634-8001 and using group code 20094.
For more information, contact Wesley Smithart at wsmithart@lightfootlaw.com or Gavin King at gavin.king@beasleyallen.com.