Theme: "U.S.A. Road Trip"
The Knights of Columbus Crusader Council #11146 is proud to sponsor the “Mark Sienkiewicz Memorial Trivia Night” at St. Simon the Apostle Gymnasium, 11011 Mueller Road, St. Louis, MO 63123. $200 per table for up to 8 attendees. Doors open at 6:00 PM, questions begin at 7:00 PM. The event will be held in the gymnasium (enter behind school building).
Mark was a former Grand Knight and an active member of Council 11146. He loved trivia and chaired this popular event for many years. We once again honor Mark with an evening of fellowship, trivia, silent auction items, a 50/50 drawing, etc. Questions by Trivia Riot. Drinks provided. Please bring your own snacks. Proceeds benefit the Knights’ Scholarship fund and Support a Seminarian programs. Questions? Call or text Pat Tornatore at 314-660-2827.