4 Element Healing Retreat (with the Wim Hof Method)

Saturday, Jun 11, 2022 at 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM EDT

12th Concession, King Township, Schomberg, ON, L0G1T0, Canada

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Regular Ticket Price (In Advance) Partial Approval - $230.00

Tickets at the door (if available) are $250. Please come rain or shine. The address is printed on your ticket.

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Early Bird Ticket Partial Approval - $199.00

Limited number available until 11:59 pm on Friday, June 3rd. Please come rain or shine. The address is printed on your ticket.

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Volunteer Ticket (50% OFF) Partial Approval - $115.00

Limited number available. Volunteers receive a 50% refund off their ticket in return for a 3 hour shift, either before, during, or after the event. Our address is printed on your ticket, as are instructions on how to register for volunteer shifts.

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Saturday, Jun 11, 2022 at 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM EDT

Swan's Nest Holistic Wellness & Nature Centre, 12th Concession, King Township, Schomberg, ON, L0G1T0, Canada.

Come and share in a profound retreat experience at a beautiful nature sanctuary, with its own private lake, atop the Oak Ridges Moraine. Connect and come into balance with the Four Elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire, and allow them to help release all the stagnant energies that no longer serve us, so we can reconnect with our essence, and reawaken our natural healing abilities.

We will learn new ways to connect with each element experientially, in powerful healing workshops that help us to come into alignment with the Elements, and rebalance. We will also master secret ancestral practices that we can take home with us, which we can access whenever we need to, so we can come back again into balance. 

Master the Fundamentals of the Wim Hof Method practice, to use breathwork, cold exposure and mindset as the powerful tools they are to reset your physical body, your emotions and your energy, and to sustainably live at a higher vibration. 

This will be a magical day of healing and connection in every sense of the word: to ourselves, to nature, to beautiful like-minded souls, and of course, to the Elements. 




Ancestral Energy Cleansing Ritual:

We will be cleansing our energy by releasing any old cords of attachment to people, limiting beliefs, patterns and emotions that are stagnant or no longer serve us. We will give them up to the fire, as taught in the Wixárika (also known as Huichol) indigenous tradition.


Fire Offerings:

Learning to connect with the Spirit of the Fire both outside and inside of us, through the ancestral act of offering tobacco in gratitude, in prayer, and infused with our intentions.

We will also end our day of healing around the fire, by singing some songs in honour of Fire and the 4 Elements.


Purging Ceremony:

Come engage in a short journalling exercise to help empty the mind, to release from the body, and to purge whatever lingers in the heart, and from the past, that no longer serve us, that we wish not to bring into the future.

We will then burn what we have purged in a fire ceremony, to fully release, and to liberate ourselves and create new space for something new.



Wim Hof Method - Ice bath:

Learn the fundamentals and technique behind the safe cold exposure WHM practice. In the ice bath you will release the default physical and emotional reactions and learn to consciously surrender to what is, and in the process observe and cleanse with your internal waters, your emotions. 

Wild Swimming in a Kettle Lake:

Come and be cleansed by the healing waters from one of the rarest and deepest kinds of lakes in Ontario - a cool and deep, glacier-made kettle lake, which is mostly spring-fed from the Oak Ridges Moraine Aquifer below. This ancient aquifer is the source of all of the headwaters of the rivers and streams that flow through the GTA, and many that flow into Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay. Don’t forget your bathing suit and towel! Change rooms are available.


Wim Hof Method - Breathwork:

Master the WHM breathing technique, to fully connect with the precious and healing element of the air through our breath. To release stagnant energies, limiting emotions, and beliefs so you can breathe new life into yourself , with a clear purpose and passion for life. 

Sacred Smudging Ritual:

Using sacred herbs grown organically in Swan’s Nest’s gardens, and sustainably harvested cedar from her forests, we will energetically cleanse and ground using this ancient, and global, healing practice.


Barefoot Forest Bathing:

Come and immerse yourself in nature, in the woods and in sound. Experience the immune boosting and stress reducing benefits of Earthing, or walking barefoot on the Earth, and of walking mindfully through a beautiful forest. Engage your senses and allow them to bring you into the present moment. Explore a cedar forest with a gentle stream flowing by, in the heart of a 350-acre nature sanctuary, on top of the Oak Ridges Moraine.

Forest Bathing, or Shinrin-yoku as it is known in Japan, is a unique, evidence-based method of experiencing the many health benefits of mindfully, and slowly, walking through a forest. We bathe in the smells, sights, textures, tastes and sounds of the forest. And we will literally take the forest home with us through a cedar tea honouring ceremony. 


DATE: Saturday, June 11th, 2022

TIME: 11 am - 9 pm

LOCATION: Swan's Nest Holistic Wellness and Nature Centre, near Schomberg, ON, only an hour's drive from downtown Toronto (We provide our address when you purchase a ticket). 

TICKETS (go on sale at noon on May 30th):

Earlybird (until 11:59 pm Friday, June 3rd): $199

Regular Ticket: $230

Special promotion: 2 tickets for $398 (Goes on sale June 4th)

VOLUNTEERS: 50% off (Limited number available)

A gourmet, organic, vegan dinner will be served around 7 pm. 

Please bring a bathing suit and a towel. There are change rooms on site. Swimming is unsupervised and life-jackets must be worn by children and those who are not strong swimmers. A limited number of life jackets are available. 


Dinora Garcia Guillen and Rufus Glassco are the founders and directors of Swan's Nest Holistic Wellness and Nature Centre. They met 27 years ago in Oaxaca, Mexico, and were married in 1999. They have raised 2 sons in Toronto, and return to Mexico frequently for shamanic training, to see family, and to purchase inventory for La Botica, their Oaxacan import business. They are dedicated to the healing arts and use a variety of modalities, including movement and dance, yoga, breathing, meditation, toning and mantra chanting, earthing, forest bathing, hand and frame drumming, sound healing, community singing, shamanic coaching and Labyrinth and Temazcal sweat lodge ceremonies to help people to come together, to release, to heal, and to reconnect to nature and their humanity.

Mayte Morelos is a Wim Hof Method instructor, breathwork facilitator and NLP coach. She combines both the power of our breath, and the energy of intention, to help people to release stagnant or blocked energies, in order to expand their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

?She recently spent over a year in Mexico learning from indigenous elders and teachers  from the Mayan tradition, and is now sharing with Canadians their profound teachings on how to reconnect and live in harmony and balance with ourselves, with nature and the world. 

Facebook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/2vGuTbL4X

DINORA GARCIA GUILLEN and RUFUS GLASSCO are the founders and directors of Swan's Nest Holistic Wellness and Nature Centre. They met 27 years ago in Oaxaca, Mexico, and were married in 1999. They have raised 2 sons in Toronto, and return to Mexico frequently for shamanic training, to see family, and to purchase inventory for La Botica, their Oaxacan import business. They are dedicated to the healing arts and use a variety of modalities, including movement and dance, yoga, breathing, meditation, toning and mantra chanting, earthing, forest bathing, hand and frame drumming, sound healing, community singing, shamanic coaching and Labyrinth and Temazcal sweat lodge ceremonies to help people to come together, to release, to heal, and to reconnect to nature and their humanity. MAYTE MORELOS is a Wim Hof Method instructor, breathwork facilitator and NLP coach. She combines both the power of our breath, and the energy of intention, to help people to release stagnant or blocked energies, in order to expand their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. ?She recently spent over a year in Mexico learning from indigenous elders and teachers from the Mayan tradition, and is now sharing with Canadians their profound teachings on how to reconnect and live in harmony and balance with ourselves, with nature and the world. 

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