5 Tibetans / Rejuvenation Yoga Workshop (Online & In Person!)

Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022 at 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM EST

390 Dupont Street, Suite 201, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 1V9, Canada

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Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022 at 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM EST

Better Life Studios, 390 Dupont Street, Suite 201, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 1V9, Canada.

The 5 Tibetans are yogic postures, combined with gentle but aerobic movements, that first came to popularity in the 1980’s because of a fantastic story of reverse aging. In his bestselling book, Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth, Peter Kelder writes of meeting the mysterious Colonel Bradford, an alias for a hard living British army officer who, upon retirement, spent many years in Tibet, studying in a mysterious monastery where he was called the Ancient One. When he finally returned his friends didn’t recognize him, as he looked 20 years younger than before he’d left.

Rufus was taught the 5 Tibetans, along with this story, in 1994 by a German friend he met on a beach in Zipolite, Oaxaca, when he was living and working in Mexico. Hakken was an avid traveller who had picked up some kind of auto-immune disease, and none of the medical experts in Germany, despite years of trying, could help him heal from it. He told Rufus it was only the 5 Tibetans that had healed him. Rufus was so intrigued, he learned the yogic stretches on the beach from Hakken at dawn the next day.

Rufus has been practicing the 5 Tibetans for almost 30 years. He really appreciates how quickly these yogic postures can stretch and awaken your body, ideally first thing in the morning, or how they can help you have a more fitful sleep when you do them in the evening, although some report they can be too energizing to do at night. They apparently help to charge up and align our chakras, and when done right, fill our body with prana, or life force energy.

Rufus also appreciates how these exercises can be done practically anywhere, and require no equipment (although a yoga mat makes it easier, but even a straw mat or a blanket will do). 

Rufus always knew, however, that there was something missing. Over the course of three decades he has learned of a few additions that were absent from the original books. He first learned of a couple of relaxation postures that he now adds after the third and the fourth Tibetan. A few years ago Rufus took a fantastic course (from Jesse Stewart, called Spiritual Bootcamp) that delved into a book on Tantra, the Yoga of Energy, called Jewell in the Lotus. 

This was the book that filled in the missing pieces, and even corrected a thing or two from the first books that h’d read. It really motivated him to do the Five Tibetans, (which he now calls Rejuvenation Postures) more often, because he was taught not just how to do them correctly (which made them easier too), he was also given the context for why they are so important: Hatha yoga and meditation are great, but they can make us too passive. The Rejuvenation Postures give you the energy, and the vitality, to act - in order to really be able to improve our lives, and our world.

In this 2-hour workshop, we will learn, and experience, the Rejuvenation Postures in their entirety, in the order they were meant to be done:

  • Rishi Isometrics - these stretches assist in improving spinal flexibility, which is said to be the key to slowing down and even reversing the aging process. They also put pressure on the lymph nodes to release waste products from the lymph system for elimination. 
  • Nadi Kriyas - these techniques help to charge our bodies with prana, expanding our life force energy to a high level, and removing energetic blockages - both of which help make the Rejuvenation Postures easier to do.
  • The 5 Rejuvenation Postures - with a few corrections on the old books, and the important addition of pelvic floor contractions, at the correct stage of each posture. 
  • The Shakti-Shiva Mudra - also missing from the first books, which helps to distribute our energy throughout the body, is done three times before each of the first four postures.
  • 2 Missing Relaxation Postures - done after the Third and Fourth Rejuvenation Postures.
  • The Final Spinal Stretch - also missing from the first books.
  • The Secret 6th Tibetan
  • The Om-Ah-Hum Meditation - again missing from the early teachings, this is the key to getting the full benefit from the Rejuvenation postures. Using breath and sounding a mantra circulate the large amount of energy you have generated throughout the body, enabling you to transmute it to higher levels. It is a final fine-tuning of our body’s energy system, enabling self-healing and increased ability to heal others. 
  • A Final Meditation - to experience the expansion of energy in our brain and body.

BONUS: As this workshop will be recorded, participants will have access to the video for a limited time to learn from Rufus again and again!

Facebook Event Post: https://fb.me/e/1VIbgwwPQ


Rufus Glassco is not a professional yoga teacher or a medical doctor. The exercises and other claims and advice regarding health matters outlined in this event description, or taught during the workshop, are not suitable for everyone, and under certain circumstances could lead to injury. Do not attempt any self-diagnosis, or embark on any exercise program, without qualified medical supervision. Nothing in this event description, or taught during the workshop, should be construed as a promise of any results or benefits to be achieved, nor as a guarantee by Rufus Glassco of the safety or efficacy of its contents. Rufus Glassco disclaims any loss, liability, or risk incurred directly or indirectly as a result of the application or use of any of the contents of this event description or what will be taught during the workshop. 

Rufus Glassco is a trilingual Drum Circle Facilitator who specializes in drumming for health and wellness. He is also a Sound Healing Practitioner, a Community Choir Leader, and a Shamanic Coach, and helps both individuals and large groups to relax, and come into greater resonance and harmony. Rufus puts his experience as a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumental percussionist to use in the soundscapes he weaves together using a variety of sound healing instruments (quartz crystal bowls, didgeridoo, tuning forks, handpan, shruti box, native drone flute, ocean drum, tongue drum, gathering drum, frame drum, kalimba, chimes, ting-shas, and voice). He creates a multi-layered sonic journey that transports sound bathers to a deeply relaxing place. He also uses his 30 year passion for yoga, tantric energy work and Qigong to help people to relax, heal and come into balance using breath-work, vocal toning and chanting mantras and positive affirmations.

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