6-day Asilomar Silent Retreat: "Fire and Heart" Connecticut Remote Rate

Sunday, Jul 14, 2019 at 7:00 PM to Friday, Jul 19, 2019 at 2:00 PM PST

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6-day Asilomar Silent Retreat Program Remote Fee Partial Approval - $120.00

Connecticut Group Remote Program Fee

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Sunday, Jul 14, 2019 at 7:00 PM to Friday, Jul 19, 2019 at 2:00 PM PST

Join Sat Shree and Satyamayi in an informal intimate retreat that explores moving into a deeper, more integrated experience with the state of Unconditional Love, the love that arises endlessly within. The foundation of this Love is Truth, the inner reality that lives us. Without Love, Truth can be too fierce to bear. With Love’s ability to heal our separation from true love, truth and love merge to become Unconditional Love, love that transforms ourselves, those connected to us, and the world about us. Through the power of the realized being’s love, discover that which separates us from that ocean of love that is our true birth right. Deepen your connection to Unconditional Love and awaken your Heart to the full experience of truth, love and bliss.

New Dharma is a nonprofit organization founded in 2009 to support the teachings of Sat Shree. New Dharma’s purpose is to inspire mankind to embrace a new consciousness through actively living universal spiritual principles in everyday life.

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