7th District DTrain 2022

Tuesday, Sep 13, 2022 at 8:30 AM to Sunday, Sep 18, 2022 at 12:00 PM EDT

1500, Sand Lake Road, Orlando, FL, 32809, United States

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Sale ended

Conference Registration Partial Approval - $15.00

Not required for Active duty attendees or Guest attendees.

sales ended

Active Duty Registration Partial Approval

Active duty Attendees only

Sale ended

Guest Attendeee Partial Approval

Guest Attendee

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  • Fee
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Tuesday, Sep 13, 2022 at 8:30 AM to Sunday, Sep 18, 2022 at 12:00 PM EDT

Florida Hotel & Conference Center, 1500, Orlando, FL, 32809, United States.


PayPal has pushed an update to their platform for possibly security reasons that have affected the way that browsers are reaching the PayPal platform and creating the situation that is requiring handfuls of users to be prompted to create unnecessary PayPal accounts in order to accept payment on the platform.

Members and guests experiencing this issue may open their browser in either In-Private mode for Edge or Incognito mode for Google Chrome, which will eliminate the issue.



COVID 19 information – Although cases continue to drop in the Orlando area, we will continue to follow the D7 Guidance. If either the member or guest is not fully vaccinated, the member must submit a written negative FDA-authorized COVID 19 test result 72 hours prior to arriving at DTRAIN for the member and/or their guest if applicable to the District Chief of Staff, John Holmes john.holmes@cgauxnet.us



COVID Protocols: Masks will be encouraged and readily available for all classroom and meeting locations as well as hand sanitizer.  Please isolate from others immediately if not feeling well.  Please text your DCDR and advise them if this happens. You may want to bring an at home Covid test with you.


* Members being reimbursed Must Attend Both Dinners And Must Stay In The Florida Hotel an Conference Center *

* AUXDATA class participants must pre-register and must bring their own laptops and there is a limit of 25 per class. *


District Training Conference

District Board Meeting

Training classes

USCGAux District 7 is the largest of the 16 Coast Guard Districts nationwide with over 4100 dedicated volunteer men and women. Our District is a diverse cross-section of our nation. District 7 Auxiliary is dedicated to supporting the Active-Duty Coast Guard in all its missions within our area with the exception of direct law enforcement. We are the uniformed volunteer arm of the United States Coast Guard. The Coast Guard Auxiliary was created by U.S. Congressional legislation on June 23, 1939. In 2021 we will celebrate our 82nd year of service to the Coast Guard and the Boating Public. Our list of missions is continually expanding to meet the needs of the Coast Guard and the Boating Public. Our members come from all walks of life and are very dedicated to their missions. Auxiliarist families are also dedicated and supportive. Without their support, many members would not be able to offer their time, talents, and services to be successful in the Auxiliary. Members volunteer their boats, airplanes, and radios, buy their own uniforms and pay dues to serve in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. In order to serve, many hours are spent training to become certified in all specialty fields and mission areas. Training is ongoing to become more skilled, knowledgeable, and able to serve the Coast Guard, the boating public, and our Nation. The Auxiliary is a part of “Team Coast Guard” which is made up of Active Duty, Reservists, Civilians, and the Auxiliary. We are the second-largest com

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