Your District 7 leadership team is very pleased to announce our plans for the upcoming 2023 District Training Conference. Our District Training Conference will be held from September 19 to 24, 2023, at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center in Orlando, Florida. We have some new and exciting training classes, workshops, and social activities planned for this annual event. The District 7 website has a detailed list of planned training events, and this year we will hold an AUXLAMS “A” class in conjunction with our D-Train.
We’ve also streamlined the conference registration process. The specific steps to register for D-Train are outlined on our District website. Please note that members attending under USCG orders must attend the Friday evening Commodore’s Banquet and the Saturday Fun night dinner to be reimbursed.
We’ve received valuable feedback from our 2022 D-Train and implemented several of your suggestions. Many of this year’s training events are based on comments from our members requesting specific types of training. A good example is our planned CPR class. We’re also conducting many training sessions twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, to increase their availability and provide you with the greatest opportunity to attend desired classes and workshops.
D-Train is open to all our members without any present concerns related to past COVID issues. We will monitor current CDC, USCG, and local guidance and adapt as necessary. We want all attending to feel safe and comfortable, so mask-wearing is always optional, and we will have ample masks on hand.
Our opening ceremony and district board meeting this year will include the election of our District Captains and updates on many new and very exciting programs. We also expect distinguished active-duty guests from the District 7 offices in Miami.
We are very excited about our Saturday Fun Night dinner! It will be a disco party with a live DJ spinning some of the greatest dance hits from the good old days. I will find my bellbottom pants, fabulous multi-colored shirt, and slick hair gel, and do my best to impersonate John Travolta in “Saturday Night Fever”. This will be a great fellowship event, and we hope all of you dress up for the disco theme and plan a fun-filled night.
The district website has all the information and steps needed to register and complete the process for attending our 2023 D-Train. Please join us for this informative and fun event. With your help, this will be one of our most exciting and successful conferences. We look forward to seeing you there.
John W. Holmes, DCO D7
* Members being reimbursed Must Attend Both Dinners And Must Stay In The Florida Hotel and Conference Center *
District Training Conference
District Board Meeting
Training Classes