Shipmates !
On behalf of our Chief of Staff Martin Goodwin, we are very pleased to share our plans for the 2024 District Training Conference (D-TRAIN).
Our District Training Conference will be held from September 17 to 22, 2024 at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center in Orlando, Florida. We have some new and exciting training and fellowship activities planned for this annual event. The district website ( has a detailed list of planned meetings and training events. We are particularly excited to provide the Auxiliary Mid-Level Officer’s Course (AMLOC) and the AUX-12 Public Affairs class in conjunction with our D-TRAIN.
Information for completing the registration process are outlined on our district website. Members attending under USCG orders are required to stay at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center and attend both the Friday Commodore’s Banquet and the Saturday Fun Night dinner in order to be reimbursed.
We’ve had a good deal of feedback from our 2023 D-TRAIN and we listened to that feedback. Many of the training events this year are based on comments from our members requesting specific types of training. A good example is the CPR class that will be held again this year.
D-TRAIN is open to all our members and currently there are no restrictions regarding holding meetings based upon USCG guidance and local Orange County, Florida government. Mask wearing is permitted and we will have a small supply available should anyone need one.
Our opening ceremony and district board meeting this year will include the election of our District Commodore, a new Chief of Staff, and our three District Captains. We will also have some exciting updates on member surveys and future programs. Our guests from the active duty side will include many distinguished partners that our Auxiliary team serves throughout our AOR.
Our Fun Night will include a great DJ. This year’s theme is based on the movie Grease!, so break out your leather jackets, poodle skirts, and saddle shoes, slick back your hair, and enjoy some great music and maybe even a dance contest! We hope all of you dress up for this fun filled night .
Please visit the district website and follow the steps needed to register and complete the process for attending our 2024 D-TRAIN. My hope is for a great fun event and that will only happen if you attend it. Please join us at D-TRAIN and help make this one of our most exciting and successful events.
John W Holmes DCO D7
* Members being reimbursed Must Attend Both Dinners And Must Stay In The Florida Hotel and Conference Center *
District Training Conference
District Board Meeting
Training Classes