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Saturday, Oct 12, 2019 at 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST
Montour High School, 223 Clever Road, McKees Rocks, PA, 15136, United States
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Sale ends on 10/12/2019
Proceeds will benefit the mission of Alina's Light.
Montour High School, 223 Clever Road, McKees Rocks, PA, 15136, United States.
Tickets can be purchased online through 10/12/19 @ 12:00 AM.
Karen Prunzik’s Broadway Performing Arts Center
Tammy Lee’s School of Dance
Intel Academy
Montour High School Chorus
Shane Treloar
Katelyn Cassidy | Sam Froehlich | Bailey Marasti | Isabel Scrabis
Alina’s Light, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization established in honor of Alina Sheykhet, whose life was tragically taken in a senseless act of violence in October of 2017. Alina was passionate about theater and performing arts, and she loved children and animals. Her parents created Alina's Light to honor Alina's life and memory by supporting the causes that were most important to her, focusing on performing arts, children, and animals. Additionally, Alina's Light will raise awareness and promote education relating to domestic violence, while also working to bring about changes to law and policy relating to domestic violence. Through donations and fundraising events, Alina's Light will fund the Alina's Light Scholarship at Montour High School; support the Women's Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, , Animal Friends; support the passage and implementation of Alina's Law (Pennsylvania House Bill 588); and sponsor and host events to raise awareness and educate the public on issues relating to domestic violence.
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