Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022 at 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST

IDX Building, 40, Idx Drive, South Burlington, VT, 05403, United States

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Diamond Sponsor Partial Approval - $1,000.00

As a Diamond Sponsor your organization will enjoy the highest recognition for its generous support!! Benefits include: * A display of the firms promotional materials at the event. * Recognition as a diamond sponsor from the podium several times throughout the event * 3 complimentary registrations to the event itself. * Preferred logo placement in all sponsor printed materials at the event and all electronic promotional materials distributed leading up to the event.

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Gold Sponsor Partial Approval - $750.00

As a Gold Sponsor your organization benefits will include: * A display of the firms promotional materials at the event. * Recognition as a Gold Sponsor from the podium several times throughout the event * 2 complimentary registrations to the event itself. * Logo placement in all sponsor printed materials at the event and all electronic promotional materials distributed leading up to the event.

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Silver Sponsor Partial Approval - $500.00

As a Silver Sponsor your organization benefits will include: * 1 complimentary registrations to the event. * Recognition as a Silver Sponsor from the podium several times throughout the event. * Logo placement as a silver sponsor in printed materials at the event and electronic promotional materials distributed leading up to the event.

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ACEC/VT Member Partial Approval - $150.00

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ACEC/VT Non-Member Partial Approval - $200.00

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Municipal/State/Fed Government Registration Partial Approval - $75.00

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Workshop Presenter Registration Partial Approval - Free

Registration for presenters at the event

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Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022 at 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST

IDX Building, 40, South Burlington, VT, 05403, United States.

ACEC of Vermont's

7th Annual

Environmental Protection Technical Workshop

ACEC of Vermont is excited to offer five technical presentations as part of our Annual Environmental Protection Technical Workshop!  

Session Topics include:

Lunchtime Talk: ARPA Presentation from Water Investment Division Purpose and Objective: Update and review of ARPA and Revolving Loan funding including 3-Ac Stormwater, Lead Service Inventories, and other related funding topics. Padraic Monks – Water Investment Division Financial and Loan Programs Manager  

Topic #1: Case Study on Service Line (SL) Identification Approaches and Associated Costs Purpose and Objective: USEPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions require every community water system in the country to prepare an inventory of service line materials.  The town of Bennington, VT is actively working to identify and replace every lead service line in its water system.  Available records of service line materials are unreliable, and a stepwise approach has been developed and implemented to identify service line materials throughout the distribution system.  This presentation will review the development of Bennington’s stepwise approach, evaluating the accuracies and costs for service line identification methods including records reviews; visual observations; fully flushed and sequential profile samples; and test excavations.   Presenter:  Patrick Smart, PE – MSK Engineers

Topic #2: High resolution characterization and the Discrete Fracture Network™ approach for improved CSM development and Remediation at two chlorinated solvent contaminated sites Purpose and Objective: This presentation will include a summary of how high-resolution site characterization techniques are critical to developing conceptual site models and providing a sound basis for contaminated site management and remediation. The case studies will highlight two unique approaches to the remediation of Trichloroethene plumes based on the high-resolution characterization. One with an in-situ Chemical Oxidation system implementation and the other with a sustainable bio / phytoremediation remedy. The Rock Core Discrete Fracture Network™ (DFN™) characterization technology will be highlighted as a characterization approach with discussion on how it is being adapted for PFAS. Presenter: Bradley Green, P.G. and Jessica Bulova, PMP – Sanborn Head and Associates

Topic #3: Lower Welden Stormwater Treatment Facility Purpose and Objective: Presentation will review the City of St. Albans’ Lower Welden Stormwater Facility and the complexities related to siting, designing and permitting a facility of this scale in an urban environment while meeting new 3-acre requirements for both the City owned land and nearby private 3-acre properties. This project was funded by an agreement LC-00A00394 awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency to the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program. NEIWPCC manages LCBP’s personnel, contract, grant, and budget tasks and provides input on the program’s activities through a partnership with the LCBP Steering Committee. : Jason Booth, PE & Merrick Gillies – Aldrich and Elliot  

Topic #4:  Vermont Green Schools Initiative, Three Acre Stormwater Design Projects Purpose and Objective: Utilizing experience gained working with School representatives, DEC regulators, and the State’s private consultant administering Vermont’s Green School Initiative this presentation will provide background on the 3 acre component of the Stormwater Rule, OCE’s overall planning and design approach for 3 acre projects leading to a discussion on the effectiveness of the approach, challenges encountered, refinements and lessons learned as projects move to final design and permit submission. Presenter: Brent Rakowski, PE – Otter Creek Engineering

ACEC OF Vermont

The American Council of Engineering Companies of Vermont, or ACEC/VT is a Member Organization of the American Council of Engineering Companies, the National organization of engineering firms engaged in the practice of independent consulting engineering. The American Council of Engineering Companies of Vermont is a non-profit trade association comprised of firms that provide a wide array of engineering and other professional services for all types of construction and environmental improvement projects. ACEC of Vermont member companies provide services to local, state and federal government agencies, as well as commercial and industrial clients. The mission of ACEC of Vermont is to enhance the economic and regulatory climate for private engineering companies and assist member companies in improving their business management practices so that they may provide high-quality professional services to their clients.

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