ACEC/VT'S-VTRANS 8th Annual Transportation Technical Workshop

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EDT

Judd Hall, Vermont State University, Judd Hall, VTSU, Randolph Center, Vermont, 05061, United States

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This event is currently not on sale. Please contact the organizer at the email address on the bottom right corner.


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VTC Student Registration Partial Approval - Free

sales ended

Signature Sponsorship Partial Approval - $1,500.00

Signature Sponsorship: $1,500 Your organization will be invited to submit a 1-2 minute welcome video from your company and receive 3 complimentary registrations, receive prominent placement in the event materials as well as marketing communications leading up to the event and be recognized as the highest level sponsor throughout the event.

Sale ended

Diamond Sponsor Partial Approval - $1,000.00

Your organization will receive 2 complimentary registrations, receive prominent placement in the event materials as well as marketing communications leading up to the event and be recognized as the highest level sponsor throughout the event.

sales ended

Gold Sponsorship Partial Approval - $750.00

Your organization will receive 1 complimentary registration, highlighted placement in the event materials as well as marketing communications leading up to the event and be recognized as gold sponsors throughout the event. 

Sale ended

Silver Sponsorship Partial Approval - $500.00

Your organization will receive highlighted placement in the event materials as well as marketing communications leading up to the event and be recognized as silver sponsors throughout the event. 

sales ended

ACEC/VT Member Partial Approval - $150.00

Sale ended

ACECVT Non-Member Partial Approval - $200.00

sales ended

State, Municipal and Federal Govt. Rate Partial Approval - $75.00

Sale ended

Sponsorship Comp Ticket Registration Partial Approval - Free

Signature- 3 comp Tickets Diamond-2 comp tickets Gold-1 Comp Ticket

sales ended

Workshop Presenter Registration Partial Approval - Free

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Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EDT

Judd Hall, Vermont State University, Judd Hall, VTSU, Randolph Center, Vermont, 05061, United States.


ACEC of Vermont and VTrans are

proud to announce that we will be hosting

the 8th Annual Transportation

Technical Workshop on 


Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

from 9am to 4pm

at Judd Hall, Vermont Technical College, Randolph, Vermont


Please join an anticipated

audience of 150+ attendees, that will

include your colleagues/attendees/presenters 

from the Vermont Agency of Transportation

and other federal, state and municipal partners.


As an ACEC National recognized Regional

Continuing Education Provider (RCEP),

ACEC of Vermont will be providing workshop

attendees with 5 approved Vermont PDH's. 


Technical Workshop Agenda and Sponsorship Details


9:00 – 10:00 am     Registration / Networking


10:00 -10:10 am     Opening Remarks

                              Brendan Cosgrove - ACEC Executive Director Ann Gammell - VTrans Highway Division Director / Chief Engineeer


10:10 -11:00 am     Session #1:  MaineDOT Contractor In Design Process for Western Avenue over I-95 Augusta, Maine

                              Session Presenter:  Stantec


11:00 -11:10 am     Break


11:10 -12:00 pm     Session #2:  PCI Northeast Recommended Guide Details for Precast Substructures

                              Session Presenter: Clough Harbour and Associates


12:00 -1:00 pm       Luncheon and networking


1:00 -1:50 pm         Session #3:  Shelburne Street Roundabout, Burlington, Vermont

                              Session Presenters:  Michael LaCroix VTrans Project Manager

                              Ben Tietze VTrans Project Engineer


1:50 - 2:00 pm        Break


2:00 - 2:50 pm        Session #4: Replacement of the Drawbridge on US 2, North Hero, Vermont

                              Session Presenter: HDR


2:50 - 3:00 pm        Break


3:00 - 3:50 pm        Session #5:  Mobile LiDAR | Laser Scanning Technology    

                              Session Presenter:  VHB


3:50 - 4:00 pm        Closing Remarks 

            Brendan Cosgrove, ACEC Executive Director



If you're interested in becoming a

sponsor of this year's event and

showcasing your company

to leaders in Vermont's

transportation sector please see

the details below.

Sponsorship Opportunity Details:


Signature Sponsorship: $1,500


Your organization will be invited to submit a 1-2 minute welcome video from your company and receive 3 complimentary

registrations, receive prominent placement in

the event materials as well as marketing

communications leading up to the event and be

recognized as the highest level sponsor

throughout the event.

Diamond Sponsorship: $1,000


Your organization will receive 2 complimentary

registrations, receive prominent placement in

the event materials as well as marketing

communications leading up to the event and be

recognized as the highest level sponsor

throughout the event.

Gold Sponsorship: $750

Your organization will receive 1 complimentary

registration, highlighted placement in the event

materials as well as marketing communications

leading up to the event and be recognized as

gold sponsors throughout the event. 

Silver Sponsorship: $500

Your organization will receive highlighted

placement in the event materials as well as

marketing communications leading up to the

event and be recognized as silver sponsors

throughout the event. 


ACEC OF Vermont

The American Council of Engineering Companies of Vermont, or ACEC/VT is a Member Organization of the American Council of Engineering Companies, the National organization of engineering firms engaged in the practice of independent consulting engineering. The American Council of Engineering Companies of Vermont is a non-profit trade association comprised of firms that provide a wide array of engineering and other professional services for all types of construction and environmental improvement projects. ACEC of Vermont member companies provide services to local, state and federal government agencies, as well as commercial and industrial clients. The mission of ACEC of Vermont is to enhance the economic and regulatory climate for private engineering companies and assist member companies in improving their business management practices so that they may provide high-quality professional services to their clients.

Contact the Organizer