Administrative Skills: Taking Perfect Minutes

Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022 at 9:30 AM to 11:30 PM WET

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Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022 at 9:30 AM to 11:30 PM WET



The role of the administrative assistant and secretary in the healthcare sector can be a wide and varied role – and in all instance a hugely rewarding one. This web workshop will develop your skills relevant to general practice but could take you beyond general practice and into acute care, private practice, research, the wider pharmaceutical industry and other complimentary medical environment. The web workshop will give you the skills to operate across many other healthcare environments from radiology, pathology, physiotherapy or speech therapy, but in all of these areas you will find areas of common practice.


Regardless of the area of choice, the administrative skills deployed in the Primary Care environment will fulfil a varied and crucial purpose. The duties will range from the relatively routine to more challenging. The administrator works very much as part of a team, liaising with a variety of healthcare professionals. Where there may be direct contact with the patient, the role of the administrator is also very important, as it can be the first link in the consultation process. It is, therefore, vital to have a helpful and sympathetic attitude in order to inspire confidence and dispel any fears and anxieties.




Objectives and key learning from the web workshop:


 How to set up and plan a meeting

·        Personal preparation as minute taker

·         How to write an agenda

·         How to take notes/minutes

·         How to recognise and record decisions and actions

·         How to write up minutes

·         How to follow up actions


















Welcome, Introduction, Objectives and Why are we here?         

Difficulties you may face and how to overcome them   

Different types of meeting – and minutes


o   Verbatim

o   Narrative

o   Resolution

o   Action


Before the meeting

o   Preparation of Agenda

o   Read previous minutes

o   Introduce yourself to chairperson

o   Personal preparation checklist

During the meeting

o   Tools

o   Seating

o   Who’s  who

o   Understanding content / Abbreviations

o   Note taking


After the meeting

o   Typing up the notes

o   Layout of minutes

o   Distribution of draft

o   Distribution of final

o   Follow up of actions





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