Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (A.R.I.D.E.)

Multiple Dates

Virginia State Police Training Academy, 7700, Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA, 23235, United States

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Multiple Dates

Virginia State Police Training Academy, 7700, Richmond, VA, 23235, United States.

  • The Virginia State Police, in partnership with the Department of Motor Vehicles, is hosting Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement, or ARIDE.  This is a 16-hour course intended to bridge the gap between the Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) and Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) courses. Police officers, prosecutors and toxicologist will learn how to observe, identify, and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both. One of the more significant aspects is the review and required student demonstration of the SFST proficiency requirements. The ARIDE course also stresses the importance of securing the most appropriate biological sample to identify substances causing impairment.
  • Requirements: This course is designed for those who have successfully completed a course using the 24-hour SFST curriculum approved by the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Police officers must demonstrate proficiency in conducting Standardized Field Sobriety Testing to attend this course. Officers who cannot correctly demonstrate and articulate the tests will not be permitted to continue the course. This training will not qualify officers to serve as drug recognition experts.
  • Registration, lunch and lodging will be free and paid by the Virginia State Police.  Lodging will be at the Four Points Sheraton located at 9901 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond VA 23235.  Lodging will consist of a two night stay.  The night before the start of the course and the 2nd night.  
  • Please bring a laptop as manuals will be  provided electronically via a thumb drive.
  • Please bring a mask for COVID cafeteria policy.
  • Dress code: Uniform or Utility type pants (5.11) and a collared shirt. No hats

Cancellation policy

If you need to cancel and you have previously asked for a hotel room at the Sheraton, Please contact the hotel to cancel your room at 804-323-1144

Virginia State Police along with the Dept. of Highway Safety

Sgt. Nicholas Koslicki, Virginia State Police Training Academy, Cell#540-848-1386,

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