AgileDC 2017 - Sponsorship

Monday, Oct 16, 2017 at 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM EST

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Sale ended

Track Sponsorship Partial Approval - $2,000.00

4 available. Logo placement on website with hotlink. Banner placement at a breakout room. (Banner provided by the sponsor) 1 complimentary conference registrations. Unlimited number of 15% discount for registration.

sales ended

Website Sponsorship Partial Approval - $500.00

Logo placement on website with hotlink. Unlimited number of 15% discount for registration.

Sale ended

Keynote Sponsorship Partial Approval - $8,500.00

1 available. 5 minutes to talk about your company before the keynote. Premium Logo Placement on website with hotlink. Optimal traffic premium booth location at the Conference. Larger footprint. 5 complimentary conference registrations. Unlimited number of 15% discount for registration.

sales ended

Platinum Sponsorship Partial Approval - $7,000.00

5 available. Premium Logo Placement on website with hotlink. Optimal traffic premium booth location at the Conference. Larger footprint. 5 complimentary Conference registrations. Unlimited number of 15% discount for registration.

Sale ended

Gold Sponsorship Partial Approval - $3,500.00

12 available. Logo placement on website with hotlink. Booth location at the conference. 3 complimentary conference registrations. Unlimited number of 15% discount for registration.

sales ended

Reception Sponsorship Partial Approval - $2,500.00

2 available. Logo placement on website with hotlink. Brief opportunity to speak to the audience before the reception. 2 complimentary conference registrations. Company logo prominently displayed at the venue during the reception. Unlimited number of 15% discount for registration.

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Monday, Oct 16, 2017 at 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM EST

Cancellation policy

Cancellation fees will include all charges associated with credit card processing

Bob Payne

AgileDC is a for benefit conference organized by Agile Philanthropy - Thanks for your interest in Sponsoring

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