Americade Ride 2016

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 at 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST

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Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 at 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST

Americade 2016

The Adirondack Victory Riders invite you to join us as we take a journey around the region. We will travel from the Lake George area into Vermont and enjoy a small lunch in Vergennes, VT. Afterwards, we will cross Lake Champlain via a ferry back into NY. We will ride on scenic byways and take on some twisty roads that will stay in your thoughts for a long time. We hope you can spend the day with us and plan on a great time.

When: Wednesday June 8th

Rally Point:  Gift World (Corner Rt. 9 & Rt. 9N, I-87 Exit 21)

Rally Time: 10:00am          Kick Stands Up: 10:30am

Distance Traveled: 193 mi.

Travel Time: 5 hrs. + Stops

Total Time: Approx. 7 hrs.

Please arrive at rally point with a full tank of fuel.

The cost for the Ferry is $6.75 for Motorcycle and Rider. An additional $4.25 for a passenger.

The Victory Motorcycle Club

The VMC event committee would like to welcome you to the 2016 Americade Ride

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