April 2019 Leadership Series

Wednesday, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST

900 Thompson Street, Austin, TX, 78702, United States

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Wednesday, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST

Eastside Early College High School , 900 Thompson Street, Austin, TX, 78702, United States.

"The Afterschool Escape Room"


Have you ever used a Scavenger Hunt in your program? Let’s kick it up a notch as our trainer, Lauri Celli will help you experience the After-School Escape Room - not a lecture, but an actual escape room experience.   Should you escape she will then walk you through the steps to bring this amazing experience back to your program. Upon conclusion of this experience, participants will discuss expansion of the concept and will brainstorm their own ideas for implementation back in their programs. Including, but not limited to enrichment activities for all age groups, professional development with staff, and family engagement opportunities.  Find out if you can Escape!

Learn All The Time is an intermediary organization with a clear focus and strategic plan to increase the quality, outcomes, and the capacity of out of school time (OST) programs.

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