April 2019 Volunteer Orientation

Thursday, Apr 25, 2019 at 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST

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Thursday, Apr 25, 2019 at 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST

Our four-hour orientation gives potential volunteers information about Concord Prison Outreach, the effects of mass incarceration on communities, how outreach can help incarcerated people and guidance on volunteering in the prison system. 

The orientation will be held at First Parish in Concord. Please park in the municipal lot. 

Concord Prison Outreach


Concord Prison Outreach (CPO) dates back to 1968, when its first volunteers helped to support people in a local prison infirmary. Since those early days, we developed into the largest organization of our kind in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We are a 501(c)(3) organization composed of a coalition of individuals and faith communities committed to helping people who are incarcerated build better lives for themselves and their families. We work cooperatively with the Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC), offering educational programs that focus on skill-building and personal growth, essentials we believe will help support people in prison to achieve success post-incarceration. Our programs serve eight prisons and one jail in Massachusetts. Hundreds of individuals and nearly forty faith communities join us in our mission to offer compassion, education and opportunity to those behind bars.

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