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Tuesday, Nov 14, 2017 at 12:45 PM to 4:45 PM EST
Clayton Opera House, 403, Riverside Drive, Clayton, NY, 13624, United States
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Charities Presentation
Clayton Opera House, 403, Clayton, NY, 13624, United States.
Welcome and Introduction
The Attorney General's Oversight Role for New York Not-for-Profits
Karin Kunstler Goldman, Deputy Bureau ChiefNY Attorney General's Charity Bureau
Accounting from the Inside Out - Internal Controls and External Accountability
Kelly Mathews - Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice PresidentFinancial Management Group - New York Council on Nonprofits
The Role of the Attorney General's in Transactions by Not-for-Profit and Religious Corporations
Donna Cole-Paul, Transactions Section Chief NY Attorney General's Charities Bureau
If you cannot attend the event, we appreciate it if you cancel online as soon as possible to allow others to register.
New York State Office of the Attorney General - Eric T. Schneiderman
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