Attorney General
Eric T. Schneiderman
Charities Symposium
Doing Well While Doing Good

Thursday, Oct 19, 2017 at 8:15 AM to 12:30 PM EST

Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester, Memorial Art Gallery Auditorium, 500 University Avenue, Rochester, New York, 14607, United States

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Charities Presentation

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Thursday, Oct 19, 2017 at 8:15 AM to 12:30 PM EST

Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester, Memorial Art Gallery Auditorium, Rochester, New York, 14607, United States.

Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman 
Charities Symposium 
Doing Well While Doing Good


Memorial Art Gallery of The University of Rochester
Memorial Art Gallery Auditorium 
500 University Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607

October 19, 2017

8:15 - 8:45   



8:45 - 9:00   

Welcome and Introduction


9:00 - 10:00    

The Attorney General's Oversight Role for New York Not-for-Profits

Karin Kunstler Goldman, Deputy Bureau Chief
NY Attorney General's Charity Bureau


10:00 - 10:15     



10:15 - 11:15      

Accounting from the Inside Out - Internal Controls and External Accountability 

Kelly Mathews - Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President
Financial Management Group - New York Council on Nonprofits


11:15 - 12:15       

Working Together - Views from the Board Room and the Office

Representatives of not-for-profit organizations will discuss the roles of Board Chairs,
Executive Directors, and Financial Officers and their responsibilities to each other 
and to the organizations they serve.


12:15 - 12:30        

Concluding Remarks


Cancellation policy

If you cannot attend the event, we appreciate it if you cancel online as soon as possible to allow others to register. 

Office of the New York State Attorney General

New York State Office of the Attorney General - Eric T. Schneiderman

Contact the Organizer
