Many people find that owning a car provides both convenience and necessity. They can save time and get to work faster by driving their own route. It also allows them to avoid the hassles of public transport. Many of these people turn to vehicle dealers, so it's not surprising that they do. However, this doesn't mean they aren't capable of persuading you. Their same inclinations could lead to them leaving your company. It is crucial for the sales professional that they are able to convince customers to buy your products. There are many ways to do this and this course will focus on each one. The first is the ability to ask questions to determine if someone intends to purchase your product. This also includes suggestions for what to do if they aren't interested in the prospect. A second requirement is effective communication. Because nothing convinces more than a well-received point. To allow salesmen to control their emotions, and gain insight into what to say to customers respectively, it is important to address areas like confidence and language.
Automotive car sales is an important part of the vehicle industry. It addresses the need for convenience and quick action. It is dominated by businesses, and thus competition. Your professionals should be able to provide the best service. This is why we aim to meet this standard by teaching participants communication skills that are targeted at specific points in any conversation on sales. We also teach self motivation to help them become the best versions of themselves. We also offer other training courses that can be combined into a customized training session to meet your specific needs.
This training is also available in Canberra, Sydney, Parramatta and Gold Coast, Adelaide as well as Perth, Brisbane, Darwin. Australia Wide
Accept that there is no normal or abnormal way to react to change
It is important to start from where you are right now in order to make changes. Your team will become more productive and contribute to the change process by learning how to move forward from here and how to respond to it.
Accept change as an essential part of the world, not something to fear or resist.
It is equally important to understand "why" it is so that your team can better understand change from a global perspective, and not only from their immediate positions.
Understanding that adapting to changes is not a technical task but a mental one, is important. Change is not an intellectual problem, but something that hits at the core of who you are.
Many people feel that they cannot adapt to change. Some generations might be reluctant to change because they have been doing the same thing for many years. Participants are helped to understand that attitude can make all the difference.
Recognize that we need to grieve before we can accept the new reality. We also need to let go of the past.
Nobody likes to leave their safe and familiar surroundings. We will show you how moving outside your comfort zone can help you achieve more. We also talk about the natural process and steps to make the change process more manageable.
Consider change an opportunity to self-motivation, innovation and creativity
Many people love a challenge or a new goal. It can be very motivating to see the positive changes in your organization. You can adapt this area to your business.
Identify strategies to help change acceptance and implementation in the workplace
Sometimes, change is more than a one-off event. It can be a collaborative process. Participants are given new strategies and tools to help them with the change process.
Additional modules are also available
How to make everything change work for you.
Recognize the importance of leading and managing change
Increasing self-confidence and motivation
Transformability is possible using the Pareto Principle
Discuss the need for change, especially with senior managers.
The 4 Types of Organizational Change
Identify the drivers and nature of change
Understanding the effects of change
Look for Change Agents who can model positive changes in the process of change.
Understanding resistance to change is the best way to overcome it.
Create a communication plan for the change.
You will need the skills and knowledge to create tactical change conditions.
How can we ensure that practices are replaced by the old culture?
To save time, the best way to make use of technology is to do so by using it.
Priorities identification and establishment
Establishing and maintaining positive working relationships
Be willing to overcome any obstacles that may prevent you from achieving your goals.
During the process of change, communicate effectively with your team.
Learn how people respond to transformation
There are many ways to create a sense of urgency
Learn the motivations for change.
Understanding that change is an ongoing process that never stops.
Preparing for and supporting future changes
Recognizing the pros and cons of a changing environment
What are the advantages and disadvantages of bribes to get the important things done?
Make a customized Change Management Plan
Proposing options and opportunities for change.
There are ways to manage workplace anxiety
How to manage your organization through difficult changes
There are practical ways to support and advise staff during a change process
Management of others in the face of workplace changes
Understanding global change
Understanding the human response to change is key. Consider the opportunity to improve your job prospects.
Identify the saboteurs who are attempting to change things in 'the way it used to be' Lead change by taking responsibility.
Step manages Kotter's 8-change model
How to increase risk-taking behavior and be more flexible
Stopping the 'tyranny by positivity'
How to deal with anxiety, resistance and other obstacles on the journey of change
To improve further changes, create a feedback loop.
Meetings, assemblies, assemblies-taking control!
There are specific 'troubleshooting' strategies that can be used when a particular change has been difficult.
Identify the 3 steps of the change process
Understanding the impact of change on an organisation.
Consultation with stakeholders to reach consensus on future development.
You can become an "agent for change"
To get results, identify and solve internal and external problems
Analyzing a daily task listing is the best way to do so.
Empower actions through identifying and solving challenges
Understanding the two types of precedence
Spot opposition and the reasons why it is there
For maximum buy-in, communicate the vision
How to get buy-in and how to deal with resistance
You can plan some short-term, easy wins
How many days does it take for a habit to be broken?
How organizing priorities can help you transition through change
This is how to empower all stakeholders to make change happen.
How to handle interruptions effectively
Understanding the human need and how to apply that knowledge to deal with change
Understanding resistance to change
Management strategies that value change.
Understanding the principles of the individual in a rapidly-changing environment
The change process can be difficult.
You will need a special change management strategy to manage a specific change that you are trying to implement.
Creatively exploring change options
Everyone can use this precedence planning model
We have created a simple, yet comprehensive framework to help you understand the process of change and how to manage it.
How do we achieve the important 1st or 2nd?
Why some people thrive in change
After a dramatic change, there are 5 periods of adjustment
Further information about the course outline
The Training Outline
Introduction and Course Overview
The first part of the day will focus on the employees' needs and discuss what will happen during the session. Employees will have the opportunity to identify their learning goals and set goals for the day. We will address the individual needs of participants as we create the material throughout the day.
What's Change?
We will begin the day by discussing fundamentals of change. Participants will be able to learn from real cases and apply the foundations of case studies to guide them through the training and activities.
The Change Cycle
This session will cover the three phases of William Bridges' cycle for change. Lectures and small groups will be used. Team members will gain a better understanding of the cycle so they can apply it in their change process.
The Human Reaction to Change
This session will focus on Daryl Conner's interpretation of human responses to change, through small group work and lecture. Change can cause people to react differently. We will discuss the normal human reactions and any differences. Participants will be provided with a variety of information by our trainer to help them understand how they react to change.
The Rate of Change
Through a discussion and a case study, we'll examine how individuals react to change. This case study will provide important information about individual responses within an organization.
The Pyramid Response to Change
We will examine how change affects workers, middle managers, and top managers. What does change do to an organisation? This article will discuss the impact of change on different departments, divisions, and teams. Find out more about an organisation going through change.
A 4-room Apartment
This session will focus on change using Claes Janssen’s four-room flat model. The four-room apartment is a powerful learning tool that can be used in many situations. Find out more about this tool, and how it can assist with change.
Coping with Opposition
Participants will learn new skills that will help them deal with opposition during the process of change. Through small group discussion, case studies and lectures, this session will focus on how to overcome resistance to change.
Adjusting to Change
This session will discuss the three key ingredients to success in change, and how to quickly adapt and adjust.
Strategies to Cope with Change
This training session is designed to help the team develop strategies for dealing with change. We've examined a range of models for change and will now look at five strategies that can help you cope with it. Find out more about these strategies to help you make a change in your behaviour.
Managing Anger
Change can sometimes make people angry, frustrated or agitated. Through discussion and group work, we'll explore ways to cope with our emotions and those of others. The trainer will demonstrate some skills and give tips on how to manage these emotions.
Managing Stress
Change is a natural part. Stress is a normal part of it. You have the option to choose how it affects your life. People can feel stressed out by change. We'll be discussing stress management and relaxation strategies in this session. You can take control of your stress levels and make choices about how you react to situations. These are some great tips to help anyone.
Session Up
Employees will have the opportunity to ask questions and create an action plan at the end of the day. We talk about how employees can become an integral part in the change process, and what they can do to help make it a more smoother cycle.