Course: AWR-351 REP Ingestion Core Concepts Course (RICC)
Promo Code: 19N-0249 RICC
Host: FEMA Region I
For additional information regarding the course please contact:
Dates: Friday, March 01, 2019
Course Time: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Location: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)
18 Stott Ave
Norwich, CT 06360
Cost: Complimentary
Dress Code: Business Casual
Travel: Students are responsible for their own travel arrangements
Registration: Registration Process found on following page.
Target Audience: Federal, State, Tribal, Utility, and Local Emergency Management
Prerequisites: None
Course Information:
The FEMA/NPD/THD/Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program has developed an instructor-led course that will help Federal, State, tribal and local emergency managers and planners more effectively meet the challenges presented to the emergency responder community during a radiological incident at a NRC-licensed commercial nuclear power plant (NPP).
The main purpose for the 1.0-day awareness-level AWR-351 REP Ingestion Core Concepts (RICC) course is to provide a precise training track which focuses on the unique considerations of the 50-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), Offsite Response Organizations (OROs) responsible for addressing the implementation of precautionary measures and protective actions relating to “people” and ingestion” interventions during the Post-Plume (Intermediate) phase of a radiological incident from a NRC-licensed commercial nuclear power plant (NPP).
RICC student course materials are available online (Adobe Document Cloud):
The RICC Student Manual and reference materials are available for download should you want to bring your personal portable electronic device to class for use. (The online student materials are available prior to, during and after the class.) Instructions for downloading documents from the REP Training Student site are as follows:
· From your portable electronic device, open your web browser and navigate to
· Login using the Adobe ID and Password, below:
-Enter Adobe ID ( (not case-sensitive)
-Enter Password (REP$tudent) (case-sensitive)
To download any document or folder from the cloud,
-Select Document Cloud from the “File Lists”,
-Select the appropriate course folder(s)
-Select the check-box to the left of the document/folder name , and tool bars will appear
-Select “Download”
Register with FEMA /Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP)
REP Ingestion Core Concepts Course (RICC) will be offered March 01, 2019.
To apply for this class, follow the instructions below:
1. Have your FEMA SID number and password. You must have a FEMA SID number before you can apply for the class.
· If you need a FEMA SID number, go to FEMA Student Identification System and click “Register for a FEMA SID” or click “Forgot FEMA SID?” if you have forgotten your FEMA SID.
· Registering for a FEMA SID does not register you for this class. You must apply for the class separately.
2. Click this link to apply for the class: Click Here to Apply.
· Enter your FEMA SID and password.
· A CDP Training Registration System (TRS) application for 19N-0249 RICC will open.
· Complete the required fields.
· Click the "Review and Submit Application Now" button.
· Complete the application process by clicking the affirmation checkbox and providing your digital signature by entering your name and FEMA SID password.
(If you have trouble with the link, go to CDP Student Portal and enter 19N-0249 RICC in the "Have a Promo Code?" box. You must enter the promo code exactly as it appears here to successfully apply).
3. If you encounter any errors, please do not attempt to bypass or skip through them. Please document the error with as many details as possible and/or screen shots (print screen) and submit to so the error can be documented and addressed by the development team. Once the error has been reported, then proceed.
4. After you have completed registration, click on the following link to provide feedback on TRS: CDP Non-Resident Training Online Application Survey
The FEMA/NPD/THD/Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program has developed an instructor-led course that will help Federal, State, tribal and local emergency managers and planners more effectively meet the challenges presented to the emergency responder community during a radiological incident at a NRC-licensed commercial nuclear power plant (NPP).
The main purpose for the 1.0-day awareness-level AWR-351 REP Ingestion Core Concepts (RICC) course is to provide a precise training track which focuses on the unique considerations of the 50-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), Offsite Response Organizations (OROs) responsible for addressing the implementation of precautionary measures and protective actions relating to “people” and ingestion” interventions during the Post-Plume (Intermediate) phase of a radiological incident from a NRC-licensed commercial nuclear power plant (NPP).
The instructional delivery is designed to create a collaborative training environment, support discussions on the vertical and horizontal integration of emergency operation plans and implementation procedures between neighboring OROs and governmental authorities, and provide best-practices and lessons-learned solutions to emergency planning.
The primary target audience is the REP offsite response organizations (OROs) within the 10 to 50-mile EPZ who usually do not write their own plans, but rely on State agency plans to identify procedures and capabilities to be implemented during a radiological incident that affects their jurisdiction.
A secondary target audience is Federal, State, local, utility, and tribal emergency managers and planners responsible for emergency operations plans and implementation procedures concerning ingestion protective actions response capabilities within the 0 to 50-mile ingestion exposure pathway EPZ.
Other beneficial parties: personnel from supporting agencies involved in response to a radiological incident at a NRC-licensed commercial NPP.
Module 1.0 Introductions & Course Overview................................................................................................. (1.0 hour)
Module 2.0 REP Program Essentials.................................................................................................................. (3.0 hours)
Module 3.0 Ingestion OROs Plume (Emergency/Early) Phase - Responsibilities/Actions............... (0.5 hour)
Module 4.0 Ingestion OROs Post-Plume (Intermediate) Phase - People Interventions...................... (0.5 hour)
Topics of discussion:
A. . Support the Establishment/Maintenance of Restricted Zone
B. . Support the Establishment of Relocation Areas
C. . Support the Establishment of Relocation Areas outside the 10-mile EPZ
D. Support Establishment of Re-Entry into the Restricted Zone.
E. . Support Establishment Return Areas
Module 5.0 Ingestion OROs Post-Plume (Intermediate) Phase - Ingestion Interventions................. (0.5 hour)
Topics of discussion:
A. . Supporting the Establishment of Food Control Measures
B. . Surface or Ground Water Contamination
Module 6.0 Recovery (Late) Phase.......................................................................................................................... (0.5 hour)
Module 7.0 Course Summary & Post-Test & End-of-Course Evaluation............................................... (1.0 hour)