Ballertv presents Southeastern National Championship July 10-12

Friday, Jul 10, 2020 at 6:00 PM to Sunday, Jul 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST

Upward Stars Center, 9768, Warren H Abernathy Highway, Spartanburg, SC, 29301, United States

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Event Tickets - Adult Saturday Only ...Day 1 Partial Approval - $20.00

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Event Tickets - Student Pass Saturday Only 7-12 years Old Day 1 Partial Approval - $15.00

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Event Tickets - Adult Sunday Only -Day 2 Partial Approval - $20.00

sales ended

Event Tickets - Student Pass Sunday Only 7-12 years Old Day 2 Partial Approval - $15.00

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  • Subtotal (excluding fees and discounts) $0.00
  • Fee$0.00
  • Total amount$0.00

Friday, Jul 10, 2020 at 6:00 PM to Sunday, Jul 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST

Upward Stars Center, 9768, Spartanburg, SC, 29301, United States.

Welcome to the Southeastern National  Championships presented by D1spects , this a COVID Responsible Event -Safety First! D1spects/SP Sports  would like to thank all the great youth basketball programs that are participating in this D1spects sanctioned event & for choosing us for your youth basketball experience. We look forward to providing your organization with an excellent weekend of exciting & competitive youth basketball! We wish good luck this weekend to all teams! 

Venues for the event:

Upward Stars Center 

9768 Warren H Abernathy

Spartanburg , SC 29301


Admission to the event:


Free for toddlers 6 & under
$15 for youth 7-14 pays for all games
$20 for all others pays for all games


Free for toddlers 6 & under
$15 for youth 7-14 pays for all games
$20 for all others pays for all games

Game Rules:

Game Rules for D1spects Basketball Tournaments

Note: The National High School Federation Rules & Regulations will apply to all D1spects  games with the following exceptions:

1. Two halves will be played with normal clock operation (Stop-Time):
a. 7th Grade thru 12th Grade will play two 16-minute halves
b. 2nd Grade thru 6th Grade will play two 14-minute halves
c. Boys 2nd-6th Grade and all girls teams will play with the 28.5 intermediate basketball
2. 5 minutes will be allotted for pre-game warm up time and halftime. This time may be adjusted at the discretion of the gym director. Games may start ahead of schedule if agreed upon by both head coaches.
3. 4 Timeouts per game (2 Full, 2 30-sec). One additional timeout per team will be allowed for each overtime period. There will be no carry over of timeouts to the two-minute overtime period.
4. Two direct technical fouls on any player, coach, or team representative will result in an immediate ejection from the facility and disqualification for the following game.
5. SENC will attempt to provide book & clock operators at all sites, however if a D1 rep is unavailable, the home team will be responsible for providing a needed book or clock operator.
6. If a team has a 20-point lead at any point in the game, the clock will run continuously except during a timeout. To resume normal clock operation, the trailing team must shrink the deficit to under 20 points in the first 3 quarters. To resume normal clock operation, the trailing team must shrink the deficit to under 10 points in the 4 quarter. A team with a 30-point lead is not permitted to press full court.
7. Each Overtime period will be 2 minutes. Each team will receive one time out
8. Each team is responsible for their own warm-up basketballs and game basketballs and/or any other items brought to game. The designated home team will provide the game basketball.
9. If a team forfeits two or more pool play games for a given tournament, the team will be disqualified from the event and cannot participate in the tournament rounds of competition for that event. A forfeit for any reason will result in a 15-0 win for the non-forfeited team. All decisions in this matter are at the discretion of the tournament director.
10. A 10-minute grace period will be extended for late-arriving teams, a forfeit will occur after this point.
11. Coaches must have coach’s band placed on wrist at all times, lost passes will need to be purchased.

Roster Rules for D1spects  South Eastern National Championships Basketball Tournaments

1. Boys participate at current grade level (age limits apply)
2. Girls participate at current grade level (age limits apply)
3. Proof of age and grade is required.
a. Acceptable Proof of Age: clean photocopies of birth certificates, state-issued ID, adoption documentation, immigration documentation, school documentation, or passport.
b. Acceptable Proof of Grade: clean copy of school issued report card/progress report from current calendar year/semester.
Note: Teams are required to have proof of age/grade upon tournament check-in.
4. Players can play up in grade level, but not down.
5. Players must remain on one roster and cannot participate on two different teams in the same grade level (regardless if team is in same organization).
6. No roster additions will be permitted after the team has begun play of its first game.
7. Any team violating roster or team rules will be disqualified.
8. Eligibility Protests: Only head coaches are allowed to challenge the legitimacy or eligibility of an opposing player. Fans, parents, and assistant coaches are not allowed to make an official challenge. Challenges must be made immediately after the game, no challenge can be made after 15 minutes. See tournament director for challenge cost.
9. Players who are found to be illegal will result in an automatic loss for that team & player disqualification from the event; please ensure all players are compliant with the eligibility criteria. If no documents are present for proof of identity, the player in question is disqualified!
10. All Decisions in ALL matters made for the event are at the discretion of the tournament director at the facility in question.

If you have any more questions please see the official tournament rules located at the scores table or contact one of our tournament directors Harold Thompson 404-454-2919

A COVID Responsible Event -Safety First

Building Entry Procedure

COVID-19 requirements for all attendees:

Staff member requirements:

*each staff member will be screened (temp check & questions)
*each staff member will be required to wear a mask
*each staff member will have options to wear gloves

Player requirements:

*each player MUST be in uniform before entering the venue
*each player MUST be screened (temp check & questions) before entering the venue
*each player MUST use hand sanitizer before each game/after each halftime

Coach requirements:

*each Coach MUST be in proper coaching attire before entering the venue
*each Coach MUST be screened (temp check & questions) before entering the venue
*each Coach MUST use hand sanitizer before each game/after each halftime

Patron requirements:

*each patron MUST be screened (temp check & questions) to before entering the venue
*each patron is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to wear a mask

Everyone is required to practice social distancing as much as possible.

Spectator Seating

• We will attempt to place seating based on social distancing
• Hand sanitation stations are set up throughout the facility

Game Play

•All Game balls will be wiped down with germ sanitizing solutions prior to warmups /2nd half
• Each bench chair will be sanitized prior to each game
• Hand sanitizer will be available at each scorers table for athletes to use at their discretion
• Balls may only be used for game play and warm up. Balls will not be allowed to be dribbled or handled outside the court area. NO DRIBBLING IN COMMON AREAS

Teams are strongly encouraged to refrain from entering the facilities until 10-15 minutes before your game times to help with social distancing.

We will be cognitive of all CDC guidelines

D1 Nation Sports

D1spects Sports , LLC ... Nations #1 Source for Youth Sports

Contact the Organizer
