BANT AGM and NED Science Forum 2025

Tuesday, May 13, 2025 at 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM BST

Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London, England, W1G 0AE, United Kingdom

1. Select Seats

2. Review and Proceed

Tuesday, May 13, 2025 at 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM BST

Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London, England, W1G 0AE, United Kingdom.

The BANT AGM and NED Science Forum are back for 2025. Hosted by BANT, tickets for the AGM are free and for BANT members only. The AGM is followed by the NED Science Forum, open to BANT members and allied healthcare professionals with an interest in nutrition science.



The BANT AGM will provide key updates on the nutrition landscape and how BANT is engaging in the debate and representing its members. You will also hear about the work the BANT managers have done over the past year and what is in store for 2025. This is a key way of getting involved with your profession and includes plenty of opportunity for questions.



Join us for presentation, debate and discussion on polyphenols and the art of nutritional therapy and lifestyle medicine, including:


The Battle of the Polyphenols

A keynote address from Professor Justin Roberts on the role of polyphenols in human health and nutritional therapy practice and 'polyphenol pitches' from industry scientists, including Ben Brown ND on quercetin and Joe Lillis on oliphenolia. With a panel discussion and debate with presenters, including questions from the audience. Plus polyphenol prizes!


The Art and the Science of Nutritional Therapy and Lifestyle Medicine

The afternoon continues with a series of presentations on the art and science of nutritional therapy and how BANT nutritional therapy practitioners skillfully embrace both. Includes a headline address from Tanya Borowski, a dive into the pathophysiological reasoning with Dr Michelle Barrow and exclusive access to interim data from the BANT 2025 IBS impact study from NED Managing Editor, Clare Grundel.


Networking and Gala Evening

The AGM and NED Science Forum includes plenty of quality networking time with event attendees and sponsors and concludes with a drinks gala evening in the Cavendish Room of The Royal Society of Medicine.

NED Editorial Board and BANT Council

Contact the Organizer

Joseph Lillis
PhD Student
Anglia Ruskin University

About Joseph Lillis

PhD Student
Anglia Ruskin University
Justin Roberts
NED Editor-in-Chief and Professor of Nutritional Physiology
Anglia Ruskin University

Justin is a Professor of Nutritional Physiology applied to exercise and functional health within the Cambridge Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. He is a longstanding BANT Registered Nutritionist, current Editor-in-Chief for the Nutrition Evidence Database (NED), and Chair of the Nutritional Therapy Education Commission (NTEC). He is also the current Senior Team Lead for Muscle, Performance and Recovery research within Medical and Nutritional Sciences for Danone Global Research & Innovation, Netherlands.

About Justin Roberts

NED Editor-in-Chief and Professor of Nutritional Physiology
Anglia Ruskin University
Tanya Borowski
Nutritional Therapist, IFM Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Dip CNM, mANP, mGNC, IFMCP
Tanya Borowski

Tanya Borowski has spent the past two decades studying nutrition, human biology, functional medicine & women's health educations. She has empowered thousands with her workshops, retreats, 1:1 clinical work and practitioner programmes. As a BANT registered nutritional therapy practitioner and Institute for Functional Medicine certified practitioner she is dedicated to helping women reduce their risk for chronic disease and ill health. Tanya also provides professionally accredited masterclass training for clinical practitioners who want to develop their skills in the areas of thyroid health, women’s hormone health and digestive health. Tanya regularly lectures for the College of Naturopathic Medicine, The Institute for Optimum Nutrition and The University of Worcester. In 2025 Tanya is honoured to be lecturing as part of a new functional medicine programme established by Datis Kharrazian. Tanya is the Head of Education for Amrita Nutrition.

About Tanya Borowski

Nutritional Therapist, IFM Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Dip CNM, mANP, mGNC, IFMCP
Tanya Borowski
Ben Brown
Founder and Director of NMI, Consultant
Nutritional Medicine Institute and Pure Encapsulations

Ben is founder and director of the Nutritional Medicine Institute, an educational, advocacy and research group committed to advancing the science and practice of nutritional medicine. An internationally acclaimed lecturer, Ben is host of Positive Health Podcast, a guest lecturer on Nutritional Therapy, and regularly speaks at major educational institutions and international conferences for health professionals.

Ben is a consultant for Pure Encapsulations. He is editor of the Nutritional Medicine Journal, contributing editor of Integrative Healthcare and Applied Nutrition Magazine, author of The Digestive Health Solution, has contributed textbook chapters, and had research published in journals including Gastrointestinal Disorders, Alternative Therapies Health and Medicine, Nutrients, and Nutrition Reviews.

About Ben Brown

Founder and Director of NMI, Consultant
Nutritional Medicine Institute and Pure Encapsulations
Michelle Barrow
NED Editor and Clinic Director/Academic Team Director

Dr. Michelle Barrow is the Academic Team Director and Clinical Director at CNELM. Michelle also supervises PhD students at the University of Central Lancaster, Middlesex University and the University of West London. Michelle completed a Doctorate in Professional Studies (DProf) in 2019, titled "Leading transformation in Personalised Nutrition Practice". Her doctoral research included the construction of clinical tools to enable the development of a new evidence base for personalised nutrition practice in obesity management. She strives to develop the evidence base to support personalised nutrition practice through her academic work, research supervision, post-doctoral research, and publication. She is published in many scientific journals, including Autoimmunity Reviews, Nutrition Reviews and Current Research in Food and Nutrition.

About Michelle Barrow

NED Editor and Clinic Director/Academic Team Director

In coming

About Industry Scientist

Satu Jackson
BANT CEO and Acting Chair

In her role as a CEO Satu has the oversight of BANT operations and implementation of strategic objectives; as a Director, Satu works closely with BANT Council and Managers to support BANT members to achieve excellence in their clinical practice and when working in the wider application of nutrition and lifestyle sciences. Satu joined BANT Council in 2015.

Satu practises nutritional therapy in Hertfordshire. Satu previously gained a first-class BA degree and had a successful 25 year career in the corporate world with a focus on branding, and operational and business efficiencies through change management and business leadership, nationally and internationally.

About Satu Jackson

BANT CEO and Acting Chair
Claire Sambolino
BANT Communications Manager

Claire Sambolino is a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and part-time Communications Manager for the British Association of Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT), with over 20 years’ marketing experience. She blends nutritional therapy and health coaching in her clinical work and continues to provide corporate nutrition consultancy. In her BANT role, Claire is passionate about changing the nutritional landscape and promoting the profession; lobbying for nutrition practitioners to be recognised within the NHS.

Claire works online in her specialised field of metabolic health and cancer. She has an MSc in personalised nutrition and holds additional qualifications as a Metabolic Balance Coach ®, Dietary Educator, NLP coach, and has recently completed the Systems Approach to Cancer® Programme to qualify as an enhanced cancer nutrition practitioner. Claire integrates a food-first philosophy with nutritional science and behavioural change techniques to help clients make healthier choices for their health and wellbeing.

About Claire Sambolino

BANT Communications Manager
Clare Grundel
BANT Science and Education Manager and NED Managing Editor

Clare manages the BANT science and education member services. This includes the management of the Nutrition Evidence Database (NED), production of webinars and other educational resources for the member Learning Zone and the quality assurance of BANT member CPD. As the NED Managing Editor and as part of the NED Editorial Board, Clare is involved with database development, value-added resource production and regular dissemination of evidence-based material to BANT members and NED subscribers. This includes the content for the NED Journal and NED Infobites. She manages the NED Expert Review panel and a team of NED indexers, as well as leading the volunteer CPD committee and webinar team.

Clare is now devoting time to a research study to assess the impact of the practice of personalised nutrition by BANT NTPs on functional bowel disorders. Clare brings skills in project management developed over 20 years and experience of critical appraisal of nutrition research. She holds an MSc in Nutritional Therapy and as a CNHC Registered Nutritional Therapist, has practices in Scotland and Cambridge, focusing on inflammatory arthritis and chronic pain. Previously, she worked in banking and finance in the UK before receiving an MSc in international development, and working in southern Africa managing rural finance schemes. Clare joined the BANT team in 2017 as Science and Education Manager.

About Clare Grundel

BANT Science and Education Manager and NED Managing Editor

Sessions on May 13, 2025

10:30 AM

Registration, welcome refreshments, networking and exhibition

10:30 AM - 11:00 AMCavendish Room
11:00 AM

BANT Annual General Meeting 2025

11:00 AM - 12:15 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
    Satu Jackson
    BANT CEO and Acting ChairBANT

    In her role as a CEO Satu has the oversight of BANT operations and implementation of strategic objectives; as a Director, Satu works closely with BANT Council and Managers to support BANT members to achieve excellence in their clinical practice and when working in the wider application of nutrition and lifestyle sciences. Satu joined BANT Council in 2015.

    Satu practises nutritional therapy in Hertfordshire. Satu previously gained a first-class BA degree and had a successful 25 year career in the corporate world with a focus on branding, and operational and business efficiencies through change management and business leadership, nationally and internationally.

    Claire Sambolino
    BANT Communications ManagerBANT

    Claire Sambolino is a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and part-time Communications Manager for the British Association of Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT), with over 20 years’ marketing experience. She blends nutritional therapy and health coaching in her clinical work and continues to provide corporate nutrition consultancy. In her BANT role, Claire is passionate about changing the nutritional landscape and promoting the profession; lobbying for nutrition practitioners to be recognised within the NHS.

    Claire works online in her specialised field of metabolic health and cancer. She has an MSc in personalised nutrition and holds additional qualifications as a Metabolic Balance Coach ®, Dietary Educator, NLP coach, and has recently completed the Systems Approach to Cancer® Programme to qualify as an enhanced cancer nutrition practitioner. Claire integrates a food-first philosophy with nutritional science and behavioural change techniques to help clients make healthier choices for their health and wellbeing. 

    Clare Grundel
    BANT Science and Education Manager and NED Managing EditorBANT

    Clare manages the BANT science and education member services. This includes the management of the Nutrition Evidence Database (NED), production of webinars and other educational resources for the member Learning Zone and the quality assurance of BANT member CPD. As the NED Managing Editor and as part of the NED Editorial Board, Clare is involved with database development, value-added resource production and regular dissemination of evidence-based material to BANT members and NED subscribers. This includes the content for the NED Journal and NED Infobites. She manages the NED Expert Review panel and a team of NED indexers, as well as leading the volunteer CPD committee and webinar team.

    Clare is now devoting time to a research study to assess the impact of the practice of personalised nutrition by BANT NTPs on functional bowel disorders. Clare brings skills in project management developed over 20 years and experience of critical appraisal of nutrition research. She holds an MSc in Nutritional Therapy and as a CNHC Registered Nutritional Therapist, has practices in Scotland and Cambridge, focusing on inflammatory arthritis and chronic pain. Previously, she worked in banking and finance in the UK before receiving an MSc in international development, and working in southern Africa managing rural finance schemes. Clare joined the BANT team in 2017 as Science and Education Manager.

    12:15 PM

    Lunch, networking and exhibition

    12:15 PM - 01:00 PMCavendish Room
    01:00 PM

    NED Science Forum_Opening Remarks and Welcome

    01:00 PM - 01:05 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
      Satu Jackson
      BANT CEO and Acting ChairBANT

      In her role as a CEO Satu has the oversight of BANT operations and implementation of strategic objectives; as a Director, Satu works closely with BANT Council and Managers to support BANT members to achieve excellence in their clinical practice and when working in the wider application of nutrition and lifestyle sciences. Satu joined BANT Council in 2015.

      Satu practises nutritional therapy in Hertfordshire. Satu previously gained a first-class BA degree and had a successful 25 year career in the corporate world with a focus on branding, and operational and business efficiencies through change management and business leadership, nationally and internationally.

      01:05 PM

      NED Science Forum 2025_Keynote Presentation on Polyphenols in Health

      01:05 PM - 01:30 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
        Justin Roberts
        NED Editor-in-Chief and Professor of Nutritional PhysiologyAnglia Ruskin University

        Justin is a Professor of Nutritional Physiology applied to exercise and functional health within the Cambridge Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. He is a longstanding BANT Registered Nutritionist, current Editor-in-Chief for the Nutrition Evidence Database (NED), and Chair of the Nutritional Therapy Education Commission (NTEC). He is also the current Senior Team Lead for Muscle, Performance and Recovery research within Medical and Nutritional Sciences for Danone Global Research & Innovation, Netherlands.

        01:30 PM

        The Pitch for Quercetin

        01:30 PM - 01:45 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
          Ben Brown
          Founder and Director of NMI, ConsultantNutritional Medicine Institute and Pure Encapsulations

          Ben is founder and director of the Nutritional Medicine Institute, an educational, advocacy and research group committed to advancing the science and practice of nutritional medicine. An internationally acclaimed lecturer, Ben is host of Positive Health Podcast, a guest lecturer on Nutritional Therapy, and regularly speaks at major educational institutions and international conferences for health professionals.

          Ben is a consultant for Pure Encapsulations. He is editor of the Nutritional Medicine Journal, contributing editor of Integrative Healthcare and Applied Nutrition Magazine, author of The Digestive Health Solution, has contributed textbook chapters, and had research published in journals including Gastrointestinal Disorders, Alternative Therapies Health and Medicine, Nutrients, and Nutrition Reviews.

          01:45 PM

          The Pitch for Curcumin

          01:45 PM - 02:00 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
          02:00 PM

          The Pitch for Oliphenolia

          02:00 PM - 02:15 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
            Joseph Lillis
            PhD StudentAnglia Ruskin University
            02:15 PM

            Panel Debate and Discussion with the Audience

            02:15 PM - 02:45 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
            02:45 PM

            The Battle of the Polyphenols - Voting and Prizes

            02:45 PM - 03:00 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
            03:00 PM

            Coffee and refreshments

            03:00 PM - 03:30 PMCavendish Room
            03:30 PM

            The Art of Nutritional Therapy

            03:30 PM - 04:10 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
              Tanya Borowski
              Nutritional Therapist, IFM Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Dip CNM, mANP, mGNC, IFMCPTanya Borowski

              Tanya Borowski has spent the past two decades studying nutrition, human biology, functional medicine & women's health educations. She has empowered thousands with her workshops, retreats, 1:1 clinical work and practitioner programmes. As a BANT registered nutritional therapy practitioner and Institute for Functional Medicine certified practitioner she is dedicated to helping women reduce their risk for chronic disease and ill health. Tanya also provides professionally accredited masterclass training for clinical practitioners who want to develop their skills in the areas of thyroid health, women’s hormone health and digestive health. Tanya regularly lectures for the College of Naturopathic Medicine, The Institute for Optimum Nutrition and The University of Worcester. In 2025 Tanya is honoured to be lecturing as part of a new functional medicine programme established by Datis Kharrazian. Tanya is the Head of Education for Amrita Nutrition.

              04:10 PM

              The Science of the Art of Nutritional Therapy

              04:10 PM - 04:30 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
                Michelle Barrow
                NED Editor and Clinic Director/Academic Team DirectorCNELM

                Dr. Michelle Barrow is the Academic Team Director and Clinical Director at CNELM. Michelle also supervises PhD students at the University of Central Lancaster, Middlesex University and the University of West London. Michelle completed a Doctorate in Professional Studies (DProf) in 2019, titled "Leading transformation in Personalised Nutrition Practice". Her doctoral research included the construction of clinical tools to enable the development of a new evidence base for personalised nutrition practice in obesity management. She strives to develop the evidence base to support personalised nutrition practice through her academic work, research supervision, post-doctoral research, and publication. She is published in many scientific journals, including Autoimmunity Reviews, Nutrition Reviews and Current Research in Food and Nutrition.

                04:30 PM

                Interim data from the BANT digestive health impact study

                04:30 PM - 04:45 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
                  Clare Grundel
                  BANT Science and Education Manager and NED Managing EditorBANT

                  Clare manages the BANT science and education member services. This includes the management of the Nutrition Evidence Database (NED), production of webinars and other educational resources for the member Learning Zone and the quality assurance of BANT member CPD. As the NED Managing Editor and as part of the NED Editorial Board, Clare is involved with database development, value-added resource production and regular dissemination of evidence-based material to BANT members and NED subscribers. This includes the content for the NED Journal and NED Infobites. She manages the NED Expert Review panel and a team of NED indexers, as well as leading the volunteer CPD committee and webinar team.

                  Clare is now devoting time to a research study to assess the impact of the practice of personalised nutrition by BANT NTPs on functional bowel disorders. Clare brings skills in project management developed over 20 years and experience of critical appraisal of nutrition research. She holds an MSc in Nutritional Therapy and as a CNHC Registered Nutritional Therapist, has practices in Scotland and Cambridge, focusing on inflammatory arthritis and chronic pain. Previously, she worked in banking and finance in the UK before receiving an MSc in international development, and working in southern Africa managing rural finance schemes. Clare joined the BANT team in 2017 as Science and Education Manager.

                  04:45 PM

                  Q&A and Wrap Up

                  04:45 PM - 05:00 PMMax Rayne Auditorium
                    Justin Roberts
                    NED Editor-in-Chief and Professor of Nutritional PhysiologyAnglia Ruskin University

                    Justin is a Professor of Nutritional Physiology applied to exercise and functional health within the Cambridge Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. He is a longstanding BANT Registered Nutritionist, current Editor-in-Chief for the Nutrition Evidence Database (NED), and Chair of the Nutritional Therapy Education Commission (NTEC). He is also the current Senior Team Lead for Muscle, Performance and Recovery research within Medical and Nutritional Sciences for Danone Global Research & Innovation, Netherlands.

                    Tanya Borowski
                    Nutritional Therapist, IFM Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Dip CNM, mANP, mGNC, IFMCPTanya Borowski

                    Tanya Borowski has spent the past two decades studying nutrition, human biology, functional medicine & women's health educations. She has empowered thousands with her workshops, retreats, 1:1 clinical work and practitioner programmes. As a BANT registered nutritional therapy practitioner and Institute for Functional Medicine certified practitioner she is dedicated to helping women reduce their risk for chronic disease and ill health. Tanya also provides professionally accredited masterclass training for clinical practitioners who want to develop their skills in the areas of thyroid health, women’s hormone health and digestive health. Tanya regularly lectures for the College of Naturopathic Medicine, The Institute for Optimum Nutrition and The University of Worcester. In 2025 Tanya is honoured to be lecturing as part of a new functional medicine programme established by Datis Kharrazian. Tanya is the Head of Education for Amrita Nutrition.

                    Ben Brown
                    Founder and Director of NMI, ConsultantNutritional Medicine Institute and Pure Encapsulations

                    Ben is founder and director of the Nutritional Medicine Institute, an educational, advocacy and research group committed to advancing the science and practice of nutritional medicine. An internationally acclaimed lecturer, Ben is host of Positive Health Podcast, a guest lecturer on Nutritional Therapy, and regularly speaks at major educational institutions and international conferences for health professionals.

                    Ben is a consultant for Pure Encapsulations. He is editor of the Nutritional Medicine Journal, contributing editor of Integrative Healthcare and Applied Nutrition Magazine, author of The Digestive Health Solution, has contributed textbook chapters, and had research published in journals including Gastrointestinal Disorders, Alternative Therapies Health and Medicine, Nutrients, and Nutrition Reviews.

                    Michelle Barrow
                    NED Editor and Clinic Director/Academic Team DirectorCNELM

                    Dr. Michelle Barrow is the Academic Team Director and Clinical Director at CNELM. Michelle also supervises PhD students at the University of Central Lancaster, Middlesex University and the University of West London. Michelle completed a Doctorate in Professional Studies (DProf) in 2019, titled "Leading transformation in Personalised Nutrition Practice". Her doctoral research included the construction of clinical tools to enable the development of a new evidence base for personalised nutrition practice in obesity management. She strives to develop the evidence base to support personalised nutrition practice through her academic work, research supervision, post-doctoral research, and publication. She is published in many scientific journals, including Autoimmunity Reviews, Nutrition Reviews and Current Research in Food and Nutrition.

                    Clare Grundel
                    BANT Science and Education Manager and NED Managing EditorBANT

                    Clare manages the BANT science and education member services. This includes the management of the Nutrition Evidence Database (NED), production of webinars and other educational resources for the member Learning Zone and the quality assurance of BANT member CPD. As the NED Managing Editor and as part of the NED Editorial Board, Clare is involved with database development, value-added resource production and regular dissemination of evidence-based material to BANT members and NED subscribers. This includes the content for the NED Journal and NED Infobites. She manages the NED Expert Review panel and a team of NED indexers, as well as leading the volunteer CPD committee and webinar team.

                    Clare is now devoting time to a research study to assess the impact of the practice of personalised nutrition by BANT NTPs on functional bowel disorders. Clare brings skills in project management developed over 20 years and experience of critical appraisal of nutrition research. She holds an MSc in Nutritional Therapy and as a CNHC Registered Nutritional Therapist, has practices in Scotland and Cambridge, focusing on inflammatory arthritis and chronic pain. Previously, she worked in banking and finance in the UK before receiving an MSc in international development, and working in southern Africa managing rural finance schemes. Clare joined the BANT team in 2017 as Science and Education Manager.

                    05:00 PM

                    Gala Evening with Polyphenol-rich Drinks

                    05:00 PM - 06:00 PMCavendish Room