There are more to business, or even real-life situations, than one's rhetorical skills. This is quite literal. Your gestures, tone, voice, facial expressions and eye movements, as well as the movement of your cheeks, make up a significant portion of what you are trying to communicate to others. This percentage can make a difference in how others perceive you. You must convince customers as a sales professional. This training session will help you achieve this goal. This training session will teach you unsolicited communication and how it can impact your team, customers, and ultimately, increase profits.
A course that covers the basics of body language, gestures and non-verbal communication skills as well as verbal communication skills is what you want. Modules that combine body language and gestures with an understanding of emotional intelligence are also available. Emotional intelligence is your ability to manage and understand your emotions. It is important to be able to use gestures in your speech. Good courses will teach you how to recognize your emotions and manage them. Your ability to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively will improve your work performance. These skills can be achieved through the science of body language. It also allows us to increase profits and achieve more positive outcomes faster. Mastering bodylanguage reading and bodylanguage cues can increase efficiency and give you an edge in business. You can also include more modules to your training program and add additional skills to your workshop.
These are the expected outcomes of this training course:
Communication: The three main channels
We will discuss the three major channels of communication and their interaction with one another. Finally, we will show you how to read body language instead of the spoken word.
How to correctly read body language
There are correct and incorrect ways to interpret body language. Many people mistakenly interpret one signal as a judgment. This can lead to mistakes and assumptions. Our trainers will teach you how to read bodylanguage like a professional, using Congruence, Clusters and Context.
Territorium, Stance and Personal Spaces
This session will cover information about spatial requirements and nearness. The trainer will also discuss how to spot people who have larger spatial needs and how to make them feel more at ease in their personal space.
Visual Accessing Signals VAS (Reading peoples eyes)
Visual Accessing Signals can be used to better understand people in conversation. Our trainer will show you how to use these signals to understand language processing by learning how people access information, and how your eyes respond to detail.
Be assertive
How can you communicate confidently using your body language? This section will teach you how to communicate confidence and your attitude through your body language.
Cultural Differences
This session goes deeper than other body language sessions. We also discuss the differences in body language between countries and cultures.
Plus, Much More
A variety of Body Language Sessions, Session and Presentations are available to train your staff. For more information, contact us to learn how our Body Language Expert can help you become more effective in this communication channel.
Why choose our professional development trainers?
We believe in learning your way so we have prepared interactive activities for you. This training session can be customized to meet your specific needs. Our company offers more than the basics of Body Language. We offer sessions in more advanced and specific areas of communication, as well as other skills that will suit the training needs of your team. Contact us for more information about customizing training sessions or to learn how our Body Language Expert could help you. Training sessions are held in Brisbane and other cities across Australia.