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Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 at 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM GST
Muirhead Room, Beckenham Beacon, 379 Croydon Road, Beckenham, England, BR3 3QL, United Kingdom
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Muirhead Room, Beckenham Beacon, Beckenham, England, BR3 3QL, United Kingdom.
- 5th March 2020
- 18th March 2020
- 15th April 2020
This event is free to Bromley general practice staff - other HCA's are welcome, but the course will cost £400 per person.
Covers non stat/man standards of Care Certificate, emphasis on accountability /delegation and ways of working, understanding uniqueness of working in GP. Learners receive contextualised portfolio with GP based activities and guidance for how to complete, and requirement for work based assessment to ensure the attitudes beliefs and behaviours are evidenced in daily practice. Adheres to set national curriculum of Care Certificate, guidance for supervisor / assessors at work issued.
Bromley Education and Training Hub
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