Choralfest South 2018

Tuesday, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:00 PM to Saturday, Mar 17, 2018 at 5:00 PM MST

Knox United Church, 506 4 Street SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 1S7, Canada

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Choralfest South Registration Partial Approval - $350.00

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Tuesday, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:00 PM to Saturday, Mar 17, 2018 at 5:00 PM MST

Knox United Church, 506 4 Street SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 1S7, Canada.

A flagship program of Choir Alberta, Choralfest is Alberta’s non-competitive festival for choirs. In addition to performance and workshop experiences for choirs, the festival offers professional development opportunities for conductors and provides participants with valuable post-festival tools for learning. The goal of the festival is to facilitate the growth and development of each choir in a positive, creative, and educationally-focused environment. 

Choirs of all ages, types, and levels of experience attend Choralfest. These include:

  • Children’s choirs
  • Elementary school choirs
  • Middle school and junior high school choirs
  • Youth choirs
  • High school choirs
  • Adult community choirs
  • Vocal jazz ensembles
  • Church choirs
  • Senior’s choirs
  • A cappella groups

Auditioned and non-auditioned choirs are welcome.


Choralfest operates using a "pod" system. Here's how it works:

  • Each choir in a pod will arrive at the same time for a 15 minute warm up in 3 separate spaces.
  • Following the warm up, choirs will gather in the sanctuary to perform a set of music up to 20 minutes in length for each other, the evaluators, and the general public.
  • Once all 3 choirs have performed, each choir will move to their clinic location and will receive two 20 minute clinics from 2 of the festival evaluators.
  • We will still provide video recordings of your performance.


The total time it takes for each choir to make their way through the festival is 1 hour 55 minutes.

Choir Alberta