Club 47 USA is committed to providing a safe environment for its speakers and attendees. For all events hosted by Club 47 USA, all attendees are obligated to use their legal first and last names when registering. The use of aliases is prohibited. Club 47 USA and its security personnel, at their sole discretion, may reject entry to any person (except for on the basis of legally protected classes) deemed detrimental to the furtherance of the values or objects of Club 47 USA. Attendees must refrain from conduct that is inconsistent with the purpose and objects of Club 47 USA, including but not limited to interfering with other guests' ability to enjoy the event; using foul, derogatory, or abusive language or gestures; appearing to be in a drunken or diminished capacity. Violators may be subject to ejection or possible referral to law enforcement.
All attendees shall endemnify and hold the Club, its officers and volunteers harmless from any liability of loss, including but not limited to attorney fees and litigation costs, based on or asserted upon any act or omission for any property damage, bodily injury, death or any other element of damage of any kind or nature relating to or otherwise connected with, or arising in whole or in part from the event attendance.
Photography Disclaimer
By registering for our events, you understand and consent to the possibility of being photographed, video and/or audio recorded while in attendance at our event(s). You, as well as any of your guests or transferrees, also grant permission to Club 47 USA, its agents or representatives the right to edit, use, and reuse said products, photographs and/or digital images including for use in printed or electronic publications, social media, websites or other electronic communications, and all other forms of media. You authorize the use of these materials without compensation. You, on behalf of yourself and all successors, assignees, guests, and transferrees hereby release and forever hold harmless Club 47 USA, its agents and representatives from any and all claims, demands and liabilities whatsoever in connection with the above, incuding any loss of goodwill or reputation arising from events or affiliations with Club 47 USA.
You further agree not to film, photogragh, or interview event attendees without prior written permission from an officer of Club 47 USA, and, if approved and permitted, you agree not to release said films, photographs, or interviews without prior written approval of an officer of Club 47 USA. You also agree to in good faith not release any material that impacts Club 47 USA or its policies.