The Premier League's Coach Development Programmes are running two Coaching Craft Workshop 3 - Training / Coach Developer in Action at St George's Park on Monday 28 January - Wednesday 31 January AND 31 Janaury - 2 Februart 2024.
The purpose of this workshop is for coaches to explore and develop their on-pitch coaching craft in a safe and authentic environment under the supervision of a team of facilitators - all of whom are skilled coaches and coach developers in their own right. Alongside this, the Coach Developer in Action workshop will be running concurrently, allowing coaches engaged in EHOC/FCD programmes to develop and explore coach development in action alongside the facilitator team.
By providing the stimulus coupled with an authentic environment for coaches to be innovative and creative with their coaching craft, coaches will be placed into coaching groups and across the two days will coach each of a FP, YDP & PDP group of players.