Community Building During Uncertain Times

Wednesday, Dec 8, 2021 at 4:30 PM to 5:15 PM EST

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Wednesday, Dec 8, 2021 at 4:30 PM to 5:15 PM EST

This session will focus on the challenges of developing a sense of belonging to the larger school community while students are participating in virtual learning. Distance learning has been a challenge for many students (and faculty), making it difficult to feel for some students connected to the school and as such it is harder to build community, leaving some disengaged from their classrooms. We all know that it is harder to connect with students when they do not turn on their video screens. The use of data from school climate surveys will be discussed as well as the plans we made at my elementary school for virtual and in-person students to reconnect and feel valued, supported, nurtured and respected by the entire school community.

WestJersey ReadingCouncil

The mission of the West Jersey Reading Council is to promote literacy in South Jersey through professional development, active membership, partnership with ILA and NJLA, and dissemination of pertinent research and practices.

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