Confidence Training

Thursday, Jan 26, 2023 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM AWST

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Thursday, Jan 26, 2023 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM AWST

People are social creatures and often find themselves in social settings. Even in workplaces that have no clear boundaries or spaces for social interaction, it is important to allow this. Most people can be comfortable, if not thrive, in social settings that require them to interact with diverse coworkers and follow a clear hierarchy with their superiors and senior. However, some others, while equally skilled at the tasks they are assigned, lack the interpersonal skills necessary to assert themselves in the workplace environment. This causes them to become underutilized and overlooked.

Confidence - extrapolated from emotional intelligence-- plays an important role in the workplace. It cannot be overemphasized. People who can relate to others and the workplace and take advantage of them have many opportunities and doors that open up to them. They are able to serve in positions that allow them to use their full potential. There are many different personalities and people. Some people are born charismatic, while others need to work hard at it.

Paramount Training and Development is here to help. With the goal of helping our clients and learners become more confident in their abilities and assertive in the highly competitive workplace, we now offer Confidence training.

Although they are sometimes seen as an excuse for aggressive and assertive behavior, confidence, self-worth and assertiveness have a place in modern society. They are essential for everyone, from the receptionist to the CEOs and tycoons and the giants of their respective industries. If they have the ability and will to do so, it allows people to push themselves into new places and get what they desire. Although not everyone is born with the ability to speak fluently and charm others, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able reap the rewards of what they do have. Paramount Training and Development believes that everyone has the right to shine and is more than happy to provide all the tools needed.

Paramount Training & Development
