Creativity & Wellbeing Sessions

Wednesday, Apr 21, 2021 at 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM WEST

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Wednesday, Apr 21, 2021 at 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM WEST

Experimental Drawing and Personal Placards

With Li Williams


An evening of hilarious drawing exercises and more. We'll kick off with simple rapid sketches, invent some mark making tools, then make some statement 'placards', influenced by the work of artist Bob and Roberta Smith. No drawing, signwriting or art experience of any sort needed or expected (may need to line your workspace with newspaper or plastic though) All welcome to join.


  • post it notes - scraps of paper approx same size would be fine. (this is for the drawing exercise)

  • pritt or similar glue

  • Sheets of A4 paper to stick your drawings onto

  • black pen - biro is fine

  • sticks (can be twigs, chopticks etc), string, scrap card, old sponge, small pieces of fabric, plastic forks, ribbon, leaves, feathers , bits of wire - any found objects that could be used to make marks

  • sticky tape, any kind

  • scissors

  • plastic/paper bowl/container for paint

  • paper  for testing your drawing tools.

  • poster paint, acrylic or house paint - any thick paint of any colour is fine.

  • paintbrush - decent size not fine, doesn't need to be good quality.

  • Plain corrugated card pieces, one large for the placard (A3 minimum) any colour

  • pencil

South East London Workforce Development Hub