Creativity & Wellbeing Sessions

Tuesday, Mar 23, 2021 at 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM GST

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Tuesday, Mar 23, 2021 at 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM GST

Zen Doodling Workshop for Beginners 

With Karen Barnes


Relax and go with the flow in this introductory session to zen doodle drawing with artist Karen Barnes. No prior drawing experience needed! Learn to create easy beautiful line art and abstract patterns in circles, with a pen or pencil on paper. Zen doodling can help support mindfulness, by reducing anxiety and improving restful concentration and focus.


Learning Outcomes - By the end of the workshops participants will: 


? Have learnt how to draw abstract line art patterns and designs. 

? Have been introduced to a creative mindfulness technique.

? Be signposted to other sources of information to support creative wellbeing e.g free online doodle art, zentangle, mandala resources and YouTube tutorials. 

Materials needed:

  • A4 Plain white paper

  • Sharp HB pencil and/or black pen

  • Circle shape to draw round the size of a mug or half pint glass

South East London Workforce Development Hub