(CVBs) CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU & CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE MEMBERS, Deaf Sensitivity Training, Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2022, 11am-3pm Eastern. $125 p/p.

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 at 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST

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Deaf Sensitivity Training Class (4-Hrs) for members of (CVB) Convention/Visitors Bureaus & Chambers, Wed., Jan. 19, 2022, 11am-3pm Eastern. Partial Approval - $125.00

Our online, live webinar classes follow the same curriculum as our on-site classes. Please purchase a pair of inexpensive earplugs for our "dive" into the pool of silence. A webcam is necessary for interaction during the class.

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Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 at 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST

The Deaf Sensitivity Training Class for Chambers of Commerce & Convention Visitors Bureau members.


The 4-hour class is entitled "I Never Gave THAT a Thought!"


Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 11am-3pm, Eastern Time.


$125 p/person.


You are invited to call us in New York City at 917 267-9645 or on Long Island, NY at 516 799-2274 or Las Vegas, NV at 702 430-8685 or Los Angeles 661 347-0911 with any questions or comments or for "super" size group rates. Private dates can be arranged for your organization.

You can also learn more at deafsensitivity.com or contact us at any number above with any questions or concerns that you have or to reserve your seat(s) by phone. Online reservations are now being accepted.

Please call us if booking 11 or more attendees on the same reservation to have a discount applied.


Blindness separates people from things. Deafness separates people from people.

Tylin Promotions Worldwide


Deaf Sensitivity Training "I Never Gave THAT a Thought" is an exclusive, detailed program provided by Tylin Promotions. The company is family-owned and has operated for nearly 40+ years. It provides Deaf sensitivity training on-site as well as via LIVE/INTERACTIVE online webinars to agencies and organizations globally.

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