Deaf Sensitivity Training, 4-Hrs., Florence, AZ (Pinal County Sheriff's Office), Tues., July 30, 2019, 8am-12pm

Tuesday, Jul 30, 2019 at 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM PST

971 N Jason Lopez Circle, Bldg C, Florence, AZ, 85132, United States

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On Site, Florence, AZ- Deaf Sensitivity Training Class (4-Hrs) Partial Approval - $90.00

PCSO training will be held at the Pinal County Sheriff's Office, 971 Jason Lopez Circle- Bldg C, Florence, AZ. Material will be emailed for you to have in advance for review before class. You will need a passcode to register for this training class. it should be on the invitation or email that you received. If you cannot locate it, please call 520 407-6606.

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Tuesday, Jul 30, 2019 at 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM PST

Pinal County Sheriff's Office, 971 N Jason Lopez Circle, Florence, AZ, 85132, United States.

The Deaf Sensitivity Training Class has its home based in the Phoenix area of AZ and operatons in the City of Maricopa, AZ. The Pinal County Sheriff's Office event comes just in time for the high demand for this type training especialluy after a negative incident happened in the State in April. The class specifically geared for law enforcement, fire and medical personnel. All first responders are strongly urged to attend. For sworn officers, the class is AZ-POST approved for credit for this 4-hour class Adding to the list are court personnel, airport and school resource security.


We've been working with organizations throughout Pinal County talking about the topic of deaf sensitivity and the needs of a person who is Deaf and Hard of Hearing.The 4-hour class is entitled "I Never Gave THAT A Thought!"


Please reserve your seat(s) online by Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 12pm Pacific/Arizona Time. $90 p/p.


Unfamiliar with the topic of Deaf Sensitivity and want to learn more before committing? We offer a free informational webinar nearly every week where we dive into the contents of our class and what deaf sensitivity is all about. Call for dates and login instructions to 520 407-6606 or in Los Angeles at 661-347-0911.


For any questions or concerns that you have or to reserve your seat(s) by phone after the on-line deadline, call our office at the number above.

 Webinars that are LIVE & INTERACTIVE are also offered. One is scheduled for Monday, July 1, 2019 in the morning. Check it out at

Tylin Promotions Worldwide

Deaf Sensitivity Training "I Never Gave THAT A Thought" is a training program provided by Tylin Promotions. Tylin Promotions has been family owned and operated for nearly 30+ years and provides sensitivity training to agencies across the country.

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