Deaf Sensitivity Training (I Never Gave THAT A Thought!) LIVE/INTERACTIVE ONLINE WEBINAR. Mon. July 1, 2019 9am-1pm PST

Monday, Jul 1, 2019 at 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM MST

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Monday, Jul 1, 2019 at 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM MST

The 4-hour deaf sensitivity training class, I Never Gave THAT A Thought! TIMES LISTED ARE PACIFIC TIME FOR THIS CLASS.


The 4-hour Deaf sensitivity class is POST certified in many states, including, but not limited to AZ, NV, MT, SC and others.

Tylin Promotions Worldwide

Tylin Promotions is a family owned and operated organization that began nearly 40+ years ago and provided advertising, marketing and recruiting assistance to many types of clients. Over the years, Deaf sensitivity training came into the offerings after a great deal of study on the subject matter. It appears that the breadth and depth of the intense class offered is unduplicated in the United States. Tylin has been delivering this training from coast-to-coast with outstanding reviews by attendees. The company's founder and trainer, Fred Greenspan, was selected to present on the subject of Deafness in the court system by the Arizona Supreme Court for its annual judicial conference in the summer of 2018, and has been invited to do the same for the Pinal County Courts in Arizona in June of 2019.

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