DEAF SENSITIVITY TRAINING/I Never Gave THAT A Thought, National LIVE Interactive Webinar

Tuesday, Jul 17, 2018 at 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM MST

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Tuesday, Jul 17, 2018 at 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM MST

I Never Gave THAT A Thought! is a 4-hour training class in Deaf sensitivity. This is a LIVE, interactive webinar where a camera on your computer is suggested. In many states, the class is certified by POST (Police Officer Standards Training). The class is being offered nationwide on-line on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 6am Pacific, 8am Central and 9am Eastern Time. (Make note that we have another nationwide webinar on Tuesday, September 25th, 2018. You can call for details on the September class at 480 615-8900 or to reserve seats for any of our classes.

Tylin Promotions Worldwide

The Deaf Sensitivity Training Class, "I Never Gave THAT A Thought", is a 4-hour program provided by Tylin Promotions. Tylin has been family owned and operated for nearly 40+ years and provides this to many type agencies and private industry across the country. This includes, but it not limited to law enforcement, fire-medical, hospitals, airports, security companies, cities, towns, counties and other type of municipality, libraries, correctional institutions, urgent care centers, shopping malls, school districts, courts and probation offices, chambers of commerce, convention & visitors bureaus and many other categories.

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