The Digital Animal Summit 2019 will bring together innovators, investors, executives, and entrepreneurs from animal care, animal production, and animal health to explore digital trends and practices in animal health and management.
U.C. Berkeley: Chevron Auditorium, International House
Thursday March 21, 2019 8:00am - 6:00pm
Gold Sponsor:
Folio3 Animal Care Practice
Morning Session (8:00am - 12:00pm)
• Breakfast and Networking Session
• Welcome. Umair Khan (UC Berkeley, Mentors Fund)
• Opening Keynote. All Creatures Great and Small... in the Digital Age
• Allen Moczygemba (CEO, American Angus Association)
• Investor Keynote: Funding Innovation for All Creatures Great and Small
• A Fireside Chat with Maarten Goossens (Anterra Capita) and Usman Rabbani (KKR)
• Panel I. The Digital Transformation of Animal Production
• Panel II. Pets and Pet Care in the Age of AI
Lunch Roundtables Session (12:00p - 1:30p)
Each roundtable is an "un-conference style" discussion group that will be moderated by an industry lead and a startup/tech lead, around a table of 8-10 discussants:
- AI/Machine Learning and Animal Care
- Animal Telehealth Comes of Age
- Vet Clinic of the Future
- Data vs Privacy in Animal Health
- IOT in [Animal] Practice
- Pet Care Goes Digital
- Animal Farm 2.0
- Biotech: Beast Mode Activated
- Traceability and Blockchain
- Food Lab: Innovations in Animal Nutrition
Afternoon Session (1:30pm - 4:30pm)
• Panel III. Traceability Goes Tech & Biotech
• Startup Showcase: Animal Startups Pitch Tech Investors
• Moderator: Sebastien Lafon (Former VP, Merial/BI)
• Judges: Moment Ventures, Mentors Fund
• Innovator Keynote. Build something People LOVE: Innovation Lessons from Guitar Hero
• Charles Huang (Creator of Guitar Hero)
Evening Reception (4:30pm- 6:00pm)
• Drinks Reception and Networking
1.Allen Moczygemba (CEO, American Angus Association)
2.Charles Huang (Creator of Guitar Hero)
3.Maarten Goossens (Principal, Anterra Capital)
4.Usman Rabbani (Managing Director, KKR)
5.Jamie Carroll (VP of Global Strategy, BI)
6.Emily Dong (Founder, Pawprint Inc.)
7.Wade Small (VP Livestock, AgriBeef)
8.Hilary Jenson (CEO, Obe Inc.)
9.Rodrigo Carrenza (Head of LatAm Marketing, BI)
10.Clint Cooper (Sr Director, AgriBeef)
11.Sebastien Lafon (Former VP, BI)
12.Li Hang (Partner, Mentors Fund)
13.Hasan Rizvi (Founder, Qlue)
14.Clint Cooper (Executive Director, AgriBeef)
15.Imran Haque (Former Head of Digital, Zoetis)
16.Clint Chao (Partner, Moment Ventures)
17.Tom Cavuoto (Head of IT, PetVet Care Centers)
18.Matthew Rooda (Founder & CEO, Swinetech Inc.)
19.Clint Mefford (Director, American Angus Association)
20.M. Abdullah (Sr. Director, F3 Animal Health Practice)
21.Ginette Gottswiller (Director, American Angus Association)
22.Dave Cohen (CEO, Petronics)
23.Guy Ficeto (Director, Growsafe)
24.Sara Reardon (General Manager, Angus Media)
25.Aditya Dayal (Founder, Throwmotion)
26.Umair Khan (Visiting Professor, UC Berkeley)
27.Eric Shank (CEO, Petzam)
28.Adnan Lawai (CEO, Folio3)
29.Garrett Lindemann (CEO, NexGen Meats)
Each roundtable is an "un-conference style" discussion group that will be moderated by an industry lead and a startup/tech lead, around a table of 8-10 discussants. The goal is (a) structured networking among a group of attendees with a shared interest and (b) exploration of a topic of interest.
The suggested format is:
•Introductions: The two leads and the participants introduce themselves [10 min]
•Name/title, industry affiliation, interest in topic, and "two things not in your Linkedin profile
•Topic Introduction (trends, applications/examples, challenges, whats next): Industry Lead [~5 min]
•Innovation Case Studies (overview of relevant startups and innovators in the space): Startup Lead [~5 min]
•Discussion (Questions , inputs, and comments from discussants) [20 min]