DIY Shamanic Drumming & Healing Workshop

Saturday, Jun 12, 2021 at 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM EDT

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Community Sponsor Partial Approval - $45.00

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Community Member Partial Approval - $30.00

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Community Sponsored Partial Approval - $15.00

For those who wish to attend but can't afford a regular price ticket at this time.

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In Honour of our Elders (60+) Partial Approval - $15.00

A 50% off ticket for Older Adults aged 60 and above.

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Saturday, Jun 12, 2021 at 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM EDT

Frame drums are one of the oldest drums that we know of, and they are found all over the world. Shamanic cultures have been using them for millennia, and remarkably, most have discovered, independently of each other, a similar tempo that helps to facilitate healing.


This tempo helps to put people in an altered state of consciousness, at which point shamans can diagnose what is wrong with a patient, or people can be led on a variety shamanic journeys. You can meet your power animals for example, and communicate with them, and get answers to important questions. These activities usually require an experienced healer and drummer to help us, but there is a lot we can do with frame drums on our own, that help us in a variety of ways. For example, putting ourselves in an altered state of consciousness slows our brain waves, which helps stimulate our immune system.


In this 1.5 hour workshop on Zoom, Rufus, who is a shamanic coach, will be teaching participants how to use frame drums for 3 different benefits: 

  1. how to improve heart health, increase HRV (heart rate variability) and deepen meditation practices. 
  2. how to capture you own medicine song from Spirit, and  
  3. how to facilitate your own personal drum journeys to get answers to important questions. These could be, for example, questions regarding next steps we can take on a big project, how to help resolve conflicts in our lives, or to discover what we have to heal in our lives. 


Cost: Community Sponsor: $45

  Community Member: $30

  Community Sponsored: $15


To register and reserve a spot:


Participants are not required to own a frame drum, but they will likely want to purchase, borrow or make one of their own after taking the class. Fortunately Rufus also teaches workshops on making your own frame drums, and can recommend places to purchase them in the Greater Toronto Area.


Participants are welcome and encouraged to bring frame drums if they have access to one. This will be more of a “how to” class than a shamanic drum circle, but fortunately, he also facilitates those - the next one is on the Taurus New Moon on Tuesday, May 7th. If you’re interested in signing up or learning more, please visit his event post:


This workshop will likely run again in the summer, and hopefully take place outdoors around a fire, but we will have to wait for the end of lockdown.

Rufus Glassco is a drum circle facilitator who specializes in drumming for health and wellness. He has been studying modern shamanic practices and shamanic coaching for the past 4 years through the Institute of Shamanic Medicine. He’s also been learning from curanderos and chamanes for even longer in Mexico, where his wife Dinora is from. He believes that everyone, regardless of bloodline or ethnic origin, can access the knowledge and practice of Shamanism, because it connects us to our ancestors. If you go far back enough in time, all of us had ancestors who lived in greater harmony with the natural world, and were able to better communicate with, and benefit from the connection to, the natural and spiritual worlds.

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