1.5 Day Class – June 27, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. June 28, 8:00 am to Noon. 10 hours POSTC Credits, 12 Hours Fire Marshal Credits
The course will cover the following:
- Preparation for Planning.
- What is the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and How to incorporate it Into Your Plan.
- Understanding the Situation.
- Developing the School Emergency Operations Plan.
- Developing Procedures and Functional Annexes.
- Developing Hazard and Incident-Specific Annexes.
- Training and Exercising the Plan.
- State Requirements for Plan Content and Submissions.
- The Connecticut All-Hazards Template for schools.
No Cost Training
The Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, has developed a 1.5 day course of instruction, to provide schools and school districts with the tools needed to
produce a high quality multi-hazards emergency operations plan.
The course was developed in collaboration FEMA and the Federal Department of Education.
Who Should Attend
The classes are open to:
- Public Schools and Districts (Including Regional, Charter, Magnets, Agricultural and Technology, Endowed and Incorporated Schools).
- Private Schools (all types and religious affiliations welcome).
- High quality emergency operations plans, require input from many disciplines. The following is a partial list of who should attend: Superintendents, Principals, Police, School Resource Officers, Fire Marshal, Nurse, Public Health, Emergency Manager, Risk Manager, Custodian, Food Service, Transportation manager and elected officials.