We hear more about the Emotional Qotient (or EQ) being as important as the Intelligence Quotient (or IQ) when it comes success in life and work. The Emotional Quotient (also known as emotional intelligence) is the ability to recognize and manage emotions and relationships . Research has shown that people with a higher EQ are more successful than those with a lower EQ. These findings have had a significant impact on how business owners hire and promote employees.
This Emotional Intelligence Session was created in order to raise awareness about the Emotional Quotient, its role in managing emotions and relationships, and why it has been so important in professional and personal success.
This session is valuable for any organization because it will increase the participants' ability to make meaningful connections with other people and manage their emotional responses. This session will have the overall effect of increasing Emotional Intelligence in any person or group. Participants will benefit from the expertise and experience of our highly-skilled trainers. You can customize the training session to meet the needs of your company, employees and teams. For more information about how we can tailor a session to suit your needs and meet your training and development needs, please contact us at 1300 810 725.
This training session can be taken in any state or territory, including but not limited to: Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney.