Essentials Tools for the New Terminal Programmer - Mike Shah

Wednesday, Dec 15, 2021 at 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST

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Wednesday, Dec 15, 2021 at 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST

The terminal--VIM--Git on the command line--Bash scripts--GDB. These are all tools that you have heard of, and likely used in a graphical user interface (GUI) or integrated development environment (IDE). However, did you realize that your point and click interface may be slowing you down? Or perhaps your graphical user interface does not allow you all of the features found with one of these tools. Do you need to automate a common task? Or have you ever had the need to connect to a remote machine across the world, but were left helpless? The answer to fixing these questions to to take the dive and equip yourself with skills to use the terminal.

If you have been avoiding how to learn the terminal or any of these popular tools on the command line, then this workshop is for you.

In this workshop I am going to teach foundational terminal-based tools useful for programmers and developers who have avoided learning how to use the terminal. We'll start at the basics of learning the commands, and then understand the foundations of each tool to build good habits for each of the following tools. When you understand the foundations of each tool, and how they are intended to work, you can then further accelerate your learning after this workshop.

Attendees will acquire a working knowledge of each of the following tools by the end of the session:

1.) Terminal - The command line interpreter that executes users text based commands. We'll learn basic navigation, common commands, how to get help, and how to start automating common tasks.
2.) VIM - A free widely available text editor run inside the terminal. We'll learn about the different modes of VIM, the methodology of how text editing is done, and how to work quickly in VIM.
3.) Git - The most popular version control system to back up your work. We'll learn a workflow to save and backup your work locally, and manage using Git in both small and large projects.
4.) Bash - A shell scripting language useful for automating common tasks. We'll learn the basics of this scripting language to continue automating our workflow.
5.) GDB - A debugger that can be used on the command line for several popular languages (C, C++, Go, Rust, and more). We'll look at examples in C and C++ for this portion. Note: That I'll also provide some equivalent tools for other debuggers at the end of the workshop for different programming languages for interested attendees.

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Cancellation without penalty up to two (2) weeks prior to the workshop.

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NDC Workshops gives you the opportunity to skill-up with software development thought leaders from all over the world, wherever you are in the world. NDC Workshops is a part of NDC Conferences, which has been running in-person workshops and conferences for over 20 years, earning its reputation as one of the most trusted brands in the software developer community.

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