Flash Talks - Show what you know!
Imagine a room full of tables and presenters, each talking about an innovative teaching strategy, an engaging new technology, a cool digital tool, an exciting student learning experience, a compelling research project...and much more. This is Flash Talks: engaging presentations from members of the AUM community, as they sharing their knowledge, experiences, and skills with each other, in a fast-paced speed dating format. Every 8 minutes a buzzer sounds, and people rotate to a new presentation. Their choice, their sequence.
Two sessions, each with six 8-minute Presentations. (Please note: there is a 2 minute break between each Presentation to allow people to move to their next presentation table).
Session 1 10:00am - 11:00am
Lunch (free) 11:00am - 12:00pm
Session 2 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Presenter Details
- You don't need to register to attend; however, you do need to register to Present.
- When you sign up for a session, you are committing to present in each of the 6 presentation slots for that session.
- As a Presenter, you will earn 1 FDI Training credit for each 1 hour Session in which you present.
- You will also receive special prizes and a certificate.
- We encourage you to present at both sessions.
Show what you know! Be a Presenter!