
Thursday, Mar 3, 2022 at 9:15 AM to 4:30 PM WET

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Thursday, Mar 3, 2022 at 9:15 AM to 4:30 PM WET


The aim of the session is to give learners an understanding of the term frailty as a syndrome and not an illness and the impact living with frailty has. Physical characteristics e.g. weight loss, poor nutrition, fatigue, weakness and general slowing down will be explored.


Awareness of various frailty identity and assessment tools used to identify people who are frail, the use of a frailty index as a means of measuring frailty and the patients degree of frailty can go up and down at various times.


Learners will understand sensitive non judgement empathetic and genuine communication underpins their care of people living with frailty.


Awareness that small changes can have a huge impact on those living with frailty. The importance of identifying those living with moderate and severe frailty and has an understanding of the contribution that supporting individual decisions and choices and supporting self care can make to improving the quality of life for people living with frailty.


Learners will discuss the impact and significance of caring for someone living with frailty and how to signpost carers to local support networks and access information.


This event is free to all South East London HCA's


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South East London Workforce Development Hub

Bromley Education and Training Hub

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